Chapter 22

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~le time skip~

"Hey Y/N!" I turned around to see Phil running towards me "PHIL!" He opened his arms and I ran into them "I'm so glad your ok" by this point tears were streaming down my face and everyone was starting at me, Louise had planned a YouTuber only party at her house to celebrate me reaching 14 million subscribers. "I missed you so much" I looked up at him and smiled, he smiled back, I suddenly noticed Dan stood behind him and I glared at him, I was still super pissed off, I felt myself wanting to strangle him so I took Phil's hand "come on, everyone's been missing you" I turned around to face the crowd of about 40 other you tubers "PHILS BACK!" Everyone turned to face me and once they saw Phil they ran to him "we missed you buddy!", "don't you ever scare us like that again!" People were pushing and shoving just to hug him, it's like being at a fan meet up. I suddenly noticed Dan pushing through the crowd, all the other you tubers backed up a little bit in case they fought, they probably didn't know that Phil had moved back in before the party "come on Phil! They have a chocolate fountain at the snack table!" They both pushed through the crowd and the party returned to normal "well that was anti climatic" JJ shrugged "yeah, I was expecting them to cry and hug and say I'm sorry over and over again" I wasn't in the mood to correct him, JJ laughed at my joke "why aren't you still talking to Phil? I thought you were good friends?" He asked me "dans with him" he looked over at them, they were both shoving chocolate cake in their faces "ohh, avoiding the old ex?" I nodded. I kept talking with JJ for most of the party, he was hilarious and kept me distracted from Dan.

It was about 12 am and I must admit, I was wasted, my speech was slurred and I was very disoriented

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It was about 12 am and I must admit, I was wasted, my speech was slurred and I was very disoriented. "Hey Y/N, you ok?" My vision was a bit weird so I only managed to make out the shape of a pineapple "Caspar? Yeah I'm fine" I put my arm against the wall and made myself stable again "I'm just a bit drunk tis all!" I yelled and half of the people in the room looked at me "oh am I being too loud? Sorry everyone!!" I yelled even louder "shhhh!" Caspar laughed "shhhh!" I mimicked him, he laughed again "your really funny when your drunk" I laughed too "why thank you good sir" I pretended to tip my imaginary hat at him "how are things with you and Dan?" For some reason I wasn't angry that he brought up Dan, I was kinda sad "not great, is it bad that I miss him?" I ask "no! It's totally normal" he reassured me "I wish we were still dating, he was so kind to me" I hiccuped in the middle of my sentence "do you want to talk about it?" I nodded and started to let all my feelings out, I've never been this open with my emotions before and it felt very liberating "you definitely still love him, I can't really blame you, if I was a girl I definitely want to go out with him! No homo though" I laughed at his comment "thanks for talking to me Caspar, I appreciate it" I smiled at him "no problem" and then he left to find joe.

 "Hey Y/N, you ok?" My vision was a bit weird so I only managed to make out the shape of a pineapple "Caspar? Yeah I'm fine" I put my arm against the wall and made myself stable again "I'm just a bit drunk tis all!" I yelled and half of the people...

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I suddenly found myself at the drinks table again, I felt so sick and I had definitely had way too much to drink "ughh.." I felt my stomach toss and turn so I decided to go to the loo, I didn't want to throw up where everyone could see me. I made my way to Louise's bathroom where I threw up in the toilet, note to self: NEVER DRINK 12 SHOTS AND 10 MARTINIS IN ONE NIGHT!! Suddenly I heard the door open so I scrambled into the bath and quickly drew the curtain "fringe check!" I peaked round the corner and saw Dan and Phil vlogging "so Phil how would you rate the party?" I didn't know they were vlogging "10 llamas out of 10!" He held up ten fingers to the camera and then continued to rearrange his hair "why llamas?" Dan chuckled "I don't know Dan you tell me!" Phil always did have the worst comebacks ever. "Ok you know what never mind" suddenly I lost my footing and almost tripped causing a small, but loud, squeaking noise, I tried to keep as still as possible so that I didn't make any more noise "what was that?" Dan turned around to face me "probably a demon goat trying to hunt you down and kill you" Dan have Phil an unimpressed look "really Phil? A Demon goat?" They both started laughing "let's go find the star of the evening!" Phil exclaimed "oh yeah! Let's go!" I heard their footsteps and then the door close. I climbed out the bath tub and went to the mirror to check if I had any vomit on my face, I quickly brushed through my hair with a hairbrush that was lying out on a pile of vouge magazines from 3 years ago and then left the bathroom.

"Hey Y/N! Congrats on 14 million subs! Not quite 47 million though" felix boasted "yeah well at least my subscribers watch my videos" oooo burn "damn Y/N, your such a savage" he laughed it off "anyway I just came to tell you D&P were looking for y...

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"Hey Y/N! Congrats on 14 million subs! Not quite 47 million though" felix boasted "yeah well at least my subscribers watch my videos" oooo burn "damn Y/N, your such a savage" he laughed it off "anyway I just came to tell you D&P were looking for you" he nudged me "you probably don't wanna go since Dan is there" he leaned against the wall, I think he was a bit tipsy too "why did you break up any way? You were like the YouTube power couple" I groaned, I felt like a broken record player saying the same thing over and over again, I explained it to him anyway "Jesus Christ, Dan really said that? Damn" he widened his eyes "anyway, it was great catching up with you felix but I gotta go see Dan and Phil" I waved him goodbye and made my way to the drinks table.

"Here she is!" Phil pointed the camera at me "heyo Mayo!" I yelled "congratulations on 14 million subs!" Phil hugged me with one arm and held the camera with the other, I winked at the camera, I could already hear Phil laughing whilst editing this video. "Where were you? We looked high and low!" He sounded a bit drunk too "I was just dissing felix" I laughed at the memory "oh Louise!" Phil suddenly darted into the crowd "wait- Phil!" He was gone, leaving Dan and I alone "so.." He began "nice party" Jesus this was so unbearably awkward "yeah it's pretty cool" I began to rock back and forth on my feet whilst my hands were in my pockets. After a few more minutes of waiting around for Phil, Dan finally said something "I'm uploading my surprise video tomorrow" I turned to face him "I'll be sure to check it out" he nodded "yeah Simon and joe w helped me out with it" why would joe and Simon help him out with a video? I thought they didn't like him that much after I told him what had happened "oh cool" that's my way of saying 'I don't care, please shut the fuck up'. I spotted Caspar in the crowd and I gave him the please help me look, I think he got the message, he said something to joe sugg and they both made their ways over to us "hey guys! Great to see you!" I hugged them both "great to see you too Y/N! Congrats on 14 mill by the way!" I thanked him "oh Y/N! I saw a massive cake on the snack table, you wanna come help us demolish it?"  Caspar pointed to the table "hell yeah! Let's go!" We began walking to the snack table, leaving Dan on his own.

Sorry for the abrupt ending! I hope you enjoyed that chapter, remember to vote, comment and add this story to your reading list! A new chapter will be here soon!

Best of both worldsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt