Chapter 30

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Dans POV-

I opened my eyes and immediately saw the back of Y/N's head, I started to panic, what did we do last night? Did we have sex? Y/N started to stir in my arms and I stated to stroke her hair, It was so silky and soft. She groaned "morning sleeping beauty" She turned around and smiled at me before stretching "morning" she suddenly paused in the middle of her stretch and pulled up the covers "oh my god" she held the covers over her chest "we had sex didn't we?" She ran her fingers through her hair "Y/N, calm down, it's fine, I used a condom" I reassured her and she sank back down "thank god for that" I wrapped my arm back around her and she nuzzled her head into my chest.

As we lay there enjoying the moment it suddenly dawned on me, sure I had used a condom but maybe it could've burst. I gently moved Y/N over slightly and took off the condom, I gave it a good look and it didn't seem to have any holes. I breathed a sigh of relief and hugged Y/N tightly.

"Good morning love birds!" Louise burst through the door making both Y/N and I jump "ah! Louise! What are you doing here this early?" Y/N exclaimed "early? Have you seen the time? It's 1pm" 1pm? How long had we slept? I rubbed my eyes and sat up a bit straighter "I'm making you two breakfast, are pancakes ok?" We both nodded and Louise backed out the room shutting the door behind her. "I guess we should get dressed" Y/N stretched out her arms and pulled the covers off "oh.." I felt my cheeks go bright red, she was butt-naked but I wasn't complaining "you've already seen me naked, it doesn't really matter" she stood up and my eyes followed her, she had the most beautiful body I had ever seen. "Come on Dan, you look like you've never seen a woman's body before" I snapped out of my trance like state and immediately jumped out of bed and started to get dressed "Dan, do you mind if I borrow some of your clothes? Mine are a bit used" I nodded and threw her a black t-shirt and grey jeans "thanks".

As we were getting changed Y/N started speaking "you know what Dan? I think it's about time we gave each other a nickname" a million names immediately sprung into my mind "ok then, I'll choose yours and you can choose mine" she nodded "you first" ...

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As we were getting changed Y/N started speaking "you know what Dan? I think it's about time we gave each other a nickname" a million names immediately sprung into my mind "ok then, I'll choose yours and you can choose mine" she nodded "you first" she began to think "pooh bear?" She suggested "a bit long" she thought about it again but for a bit longer "aha! How about bear! It makes sense since your tall, you have brown hair and like you said your the human embodiment of Winnie the Pooh" I nodded, fair enough "okay then, my turn" I thought about it, I wanted it to be perfect "how about love? For example 'how are you love?'" She nodded in approval "I love it".

Once we'd finished changing we both walked along the hall to the living room "here you go!" Louise handed us both a plate of 3 pancakes each "thanks Lou" Y/N took the plate and sat down on the sofa, I took mine and sat next to her. "How are your pancakes bear?" I smiled at the mention of my nickname "great, how are yours love?" This was so cheesy but I loved it "delicious" she smiled at me and we kept eating our food.

"Well guess who had to listen to you two going at it for an hour?" Phil strolled into the living room and sat down on the chair opposite the sofa "and check if Dan was wearing a condom" my eyes darted to Phil "you did what??" I stopped eating my p...

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"Well guess who had to listen to you two going at it for an hour?" Phil strolled into the living room and sat down on the chair opposite the sofa "and check if Dan was wearing a condom" my eyes darted to Phil "you did what??" I stopped eating my pancakes "I didn't want to! Louise wanted to know if you had gotten Y/N pregnant!" Y/N started to laugh "how did you even check?" She asked, Phil shivered "you don't want to know".

I took mine and Y/N's plate to the kitchen and dumped them in the sink "so Y/N, what are you going to do about your roommate?" God damnit, I forgot about Alexa "I don't know, I might as well keep her around but if she tries anything I'll kick her out" I'm glad that Y/N hadn't been blinded by her good girl act.

"Speaking of roommates" Louise walked into the living room and sat down next to Y/N on the sofa "maybe you should get back to yours" I didn't want Y/N to leave "I guess your right, I said I would be back last night" she stood up and stretched her arms "I'll bring your clothes back tomorrow ok bear?" I nodded "ok love" Phil and Louise both gave us a weird look "bear? Love?" Phil gawked "We have each other a nickname" I explained "aww, their so cute!" Louise squealed.

Alexa's POV-

Where is that whore? She said she'd be home last night! I bet her and dan had sex, that fucking bitch, Daniels mine. Suddenly the front door opened and Y/N stepped in "so, how did it go?" Is that dans shirt?? "It went really well" i nodded "good" she walked into the living room and I followed her "did you have sex?" She looked at me like I was a crazy person, I laughed at her awkwardness "don't worry Y/N! It's fine! You can tell me" I reassured her "um yeah?" I fucking knew it, that slut "have you had breakfast?" I asked her "yeah, have you?" I nodded, she started to watch Netflix and I went into my room.

I had to think of a way to break them up, and fast. I hopped onto my bed and started to brainstorm ideas, after a little while I finally thought of the perfect plan, I will plant a seed of distrust between them and they will slowly grow apart. I grinned, that will teach her not to steal other peoples things.

Damn Alexa's a bitch. I hope you enjoyed that chapter! I might slow down on the chapter updates so that I have more chapters to upload whilst I'm away, I hope you don't mind! Remember to vote, comment and add this story to your reading list! A new chapter will be up soon!

Best of both worldsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt