Chapter 15

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Sorry the last chapter ended a bit weirdly, I will try to go back and fix it later!

It was 5pm, only 1 more hour until the end of the day. Everyone was really tired and most of the YouTubers around me were falling asleep on the sofas and chairs. Dan and I had been sat down for the last half hour, we were both curled up and I was resting my head on his shoulder. He was stroking my hair and rubbing my arm. "You still awake?" He tilted his head to try and get a better view of my face, I nodded with my eyes still shut. He gently kissed my forehead and I burrowed my head further into his chest, he was so warm and comforting, like a teddy bear.

"Well I'm off" I opened my eyes and saw Marcus slinging his bag onto his shoulder, I stretched my arms out. "Bye Marcus" everyone yelled, we all waved him goodbye. The second after he stepped outside fan girls started screaming and we all groaned, everyone had massive headaches. As much as I absolutely adore fans, they can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

After 30 minutes, 15 other YouTubers had left and soon it was just Zoe, Louise, Phil, Dan and I. Dan still had his arms wrapped tightly around me "do you think we should leave now?" He said, I nodded. We both reluctantly got up "come on then Phil" Dan stretched out his arms "time to go" Phil had just woken up from his nap and he yawned, he was so cute. He checked his phone "ok then" we said goodbye to Zoe and Louise and then I realised something "Dan, there's still crowds out there" I informed "they will go berserk again" I raised my hand to the cut on my cheek that was still throbbing. He thought about this for a while before Phil came up with an idea. "I could cause a distraction" he began "they would all run up to me and you two could run behind the crowd" that was a pretty good plan, I looked at Dan and we both shrugged "worth a shot".

Phil opened the door and walked out, immediately he was recognised "OMG ITS PHIL!!" He began walking away from the door and the crowd went with him. I held dans hand and before I knew it we had started running, my hair was going everywhere but I didn't really care. I could just about see the drive, we had almost reached car when I tripped on my shoe lace and I fell flat on my face. Dan helped pull me up, I dusted myself off and I heard screams behind us. "Bloody hell" Dan stared behind me, when I turned to see what he was looking at I saw the entire crowd of fan girls had spotted us and were chasing us. I grabbed dans had and started sprinting, I was running faster than I have ever ran before. We had finally reached the car and Dan was fumbling in his pockets trying to find the car keys, "hurry up Dan!" The crowd was getting dangerously close, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. "Aha!" I heard the click of the doors unlocking "Y/N get in!!" I couldn't move, I was genuinely terrified. "Y/N!!" I snapped out of my daze. The crowd were only a few yards away. I frantically reached for the door handle, "DAN!" I suddenly felt finger nails dig into my back "HELP ME!!" I saw his traumatised face "Y/N!!!" He got out the car, pushing through the crowd of fans. The people around me were pulling me away, grabbing at my body. The pain was searing and I couldn't feel the bottom half of my body. They were kicking my back and my legs making it hard for me to stand, "hold her up!" I heard one of them yell, two hands locked around both of my arms. Suddenly a figure appeared in front of me, it was the girl who filmed the video, the video that started all of this. She punched me hard the the stomach 4 times, causing a tear to form in my eye "that's for destroying phan!" she howled "and this is for ruining our lives!" She slapped me on my bad cheek and it felt like someone just branded me with a hot iron. "Dan.." I sobbed pitifully "Dan isn't here to help you" the girl mocked. Just as she was about to punch me again I heard a familiar voice "LEAVE Y/N ALONE!!" Phil pushed through the crowd and they all fell silent, the two people holding my arms let go off me and I fell to the muddy ground. "Are you ok??" He slid his arms underneath mine and he lifted me up, I replied with sobbing. "What is wrong with you people?" Phil stared at them in disgust "I'm deeply disappointed in you all" we both walked away, well I hopped.

The next thing I knew I was lying down on dans bed staring at the ceiling. "Hey" I turned my head slightly to see Phil walking in with a cup of tea. "Hey" I replied, I was shocked at how weak my voice was, "how are you feeling?" He sat down on the edge of the bed and placed the tea on the bedside table "not to great" my entire body was in immense pain. "Where's Dan?" I was worried about him, did he see them beat me up? "He went back with Zoe and Louise" he answered "he didn't see them beat you up" thank god he's ok, I'm glad he didn't have to see that. I groaned in pain, my thigh was burning with pain. "Where does it hurt the most?" Phil asked "my right leg" he stood up and walked to the end of the bed and began examining my leg "do you mind if I roll your legging up?" I nodded, he began rolling but stopped once he reached the middle of my thigh "oh my god" he looked really grossed out "how bad is it doc?" I teased, it couldn't be that bad could it? "It's pretty bad" he unrolled my legging and sat back next to me. Suddenly the door bell rang and I felt my stomach turn into a pit "I'll go get that" I heard him open the door and I could immediately tell it was Dan "is Y/N ok??" He sounded so tired but awake at the same time. After a bit more inaudible chatting Dan, Zoe, Louise and Phil all entered the room, all of them except Phil stood their in shock. "They did this?" Louise asked Phil "unfortunately". Dan kneeled by my side and held my hand, the only part of my body that didn't hurt. He was crying "I'm so sorry I let this happen to you" I reached my other hand over and stroked his hair, this hurt like hell but I didn't care "I'm fine Dan" I tried to make my voice a bit clearer but I failed "your not fine" there's nothing more I hate in this world than seeing Dan upset. Zoe asked Phil a question "how much damage did they do?" Phil showed them my right leg and all of them gasped, "holy shit" Dan gasped, I began getting a bit worried, what it really that bad?

"Do we need to take her to the hospital?" Louise asked, then I began panicking, I can't go to the hospital! I have to film videos! "I'm fine!" I reassured them "Y/N! Your obviously not fine!" Dan raised his voice and I stopped talking. "If she doesn't feel any better by tomorrow, then we'll take her" Phil chimed in, we all stared at Dan for his okay "fine then" phew, that was close. "We need to clean her legs though" he instructed, that's fine as long as I didn't have to go the hospital "so that they don't get infected". Dan and Zoe helped me up and into the bath room.

Hope you enjoyed that (slightly late) chapter! Sorry they're always late but I just keep forgetting to write, make sure you remember to comment, vote and add this story to your reading list! I've already started the next chapter and I will try and...

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Hope you enjoyed that (slightly late) chapter! Sorry they're always late but I just keep forgetting to write, make sure you remember to comment, vote and add this story to your reading list! I've already started the next chapter and I will try and publish it quickly!

Best of both worldsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt