Chapter 12

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It was 7:30 and I was already out of bed making my breakfast, I was so excited! I was zooming around my kitchen, the kettle was boiling and I had 2 crumpets in the toaster. The crumpets popped up and I quickly took them out, juggling them from hand to hand so I didn't burn myself. I placed a knob of butter on each of them and spread it with a knife, I reached up to the top cupboard and pulled out my favourite mug. I poured the boiling water in and dipped a tea bag in, I grabbed a jug of milk out the fridge and poured it in. I sat down on the sofa and had my breakfast.

It was 8:00 already?? I jumped into my shower and washed my hair, I dried off and got dressed. My hair was still a bit damp so I got out my hairdryer and straightened/curled it. I did my makeup a bit more carefully today, I wanted to look my best for my fans.

I called Dan "hey dan! When are you going to get here?" I asked "Phil's just doing a quick fringe check and then we'll be on our way!" He hung up before I could say goodbye. I waited around in my flat for about 15 minutes before I heard someone knock on my door. I opened it and Dan was stood in the doorway "you ready?" A grin spread across his face and I smiled back "hell yeah!" I grabbed my bag and slammed the door shut behind me, we walked out onto the street and I saw Phil sitting in the drivers seat of a silver vw golf. "Hey guys!" He rolled down the window and waved at me, I waved back "hey Phil" I hoped in the back seat of the car and Dan sat next to me. "Next stop, summer in the city!" Phil yelled, he started up the car and began to drive.

We were about 15 minutes into the 45 minute drive when I felt something on my hand. I looked away from the window and I saw Dan had tried to sneakily hold my hand, I looked back at the window and smiled to myself. I glanced at Phil and saw that he was looking at our hands, I guess he was still a bit attached to me. I tried to ignore Phil and had a nap, by the time I woke up Dan had opened the car door and was grinning at me "wakey wakey sleeping beauty" I stretched my arms and smiled back at him. He helped me out the car and I took a quick look around, we hand parked I front of the venue, Alexandra palace for music people, and in front of us was a massive crowd of people on blankets waiting to be let in.

"Woah" I stared at the crowds in awe, there were so many people here. "This is where they held the 2013 sitc isn't it Phil?" Dan said, I just kept looking around "yeah I think it was" I felt some butterflies in my stomach and I began to get nervous. "Dan I'm nervous" I turned around to face him "don't be" he held my hands and gave me a hug "I won't be able to kiss you inside unfortunately" he sighed heavily "ugh that's so unfair" I huffed, I crossed my arms "you see how attached the phandom gets" he stroked my arm "fine then" I turned back around and we began walking up to the venue.

As we got closer more and more people began to recognise us "OMG IS THAT Y/C/N??" I had already given 4 autographs and I hadn't even stepped inside yet! Dan and Phil were obviously more recognisable and were being stopped every 5 seconds. We finally made it to the entrance but the inside was exactly like the outside just more compact. It was filled with hundreds of different YouTubers including felix, ksi, deji, Tomska and many others. I was taken aback by how relaxed Dan and Phil were, usually in social situations they were super tense but around other YouTubers they seemed to know what they were doing, unlike me.

"HEY! GUYS LOOK ITS Y/N!!" I span round to see Caspar lee running towards me with his arms flailing in the air like a maniac. I didn't know who he was referring to when he said 'guys' until I saw joe sugg, Alfie deyes and Marcus butler jogging behind him. Caspar ran into me and squeezed me tightly, my eyes were wide with shock and I heard Dan and Phil giggling at me. I could barely breathe "hey Caspar! Let her breathe for gods sake!" Joe screamed at him, he let me go and I took a big deep breath. "Thanks" I wheezed at joe, he laughed "no worrys, don't mind Caspar, he just gets a bit excited when he meets new people" you don't say?

Once I had regained my breath I introduced myself to Alfie, since I had already met Marcus and joe. "Hey Alfie! My name-" he cut me off "I know your name, I don't think anyone in this room doesn't know it by now" he smiled at me and I smiled back. Suddenly he pulled out his camera and started vlogging "hey guys! I just met Y/C/N! Say hi!" He aimed the camera at me and I smiled "hey!" I waved and turned around to talk to someone else, I could still hear Alfie vlogging in the background. "So, how is it going so far?" Dan asked me "well I've already been in Alfie's vlog so I guess that's a good start" Dan laughed at me "he gets everyone in his vlogs"

After mingling with other youtubers I decided to go out into the main hall. I took a deep breath "are you sure you're ready?" Dan asked me, I nodded. He opened the door and immediately I heard the screams of thousands of teenagers "OMG ITS Y/N!!" "AND THERES DAN AND PHIL!!" They all ran up to us screaming, I tried to meet as many of them as possible but I just couldn't deal with the amount of people in my face "should we take a break real quick?" Dan yelled into my ear, I nodded and he took me into an isolated hallway. "Well that was a bit full on wasn't it?" My ears were ringing and my clothes were crinkled "that's fans for you" the hallway we were stood in was long and narrow and the door dividing us from the fans had a glass window. "Dan?" I looked up at him "Y/N?" He copied my tone "can I have a quick kiss?" I asked, without hesitation he leaned down and our lips met. "OMFG!!!" We both pulled away and looked at the door, a girl in her early teens was stood their recording us. "HEY!" Dan yelled, he opened up the door and let the girl in "omg I'm in a room with danisnotonfire and Y/C/N!!" The girl squealed, Dan and I rolled out eyes "why did you record us?" I asked her politely, Dan looked absolutely furious. "Because you two just kissed!!" She began jumping up and down "what do you plan to do with the footage?" I kept firing questions at her so that Dan wouldn't lose it and start yelling "maybe show it to a few friends.." She mumbled the rest of her sentence "and?" Even I was getting impatient by that point "and post it on my fan account" before we could do anything else she bolted for the door and disappeared around the corner.

I hoped you like that celebration chapter! I tried to make it dramatic to make up for the last chapter, and thank you all again for getting me to 126 reads! It's unbelievable! A new chapter will be up very soon! (Sorry if that gif doesn't work)

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I hoped you like that celebration chapter! I tried to make it dramatic to make up for the last chapter, and thank you all again for getting me to 126 reads! It's unbelievable! A new chapter will be up very soon! (Sorry if that gif doesn't work)

Best of both worldsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt