Chapter 1

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Hi! Just a few quick rules to help you navigate this story
y/n is where you put your name
y/c/n is your channel name
y/l/n is your last name
I hope you enjoy! Xx
(Btw it gets a lot better around chapter 4)

After a couple of weeks my channel had already gotten 2 million subscribers, how the hell did this happen?? What was so special about me? I only just left university and being an absolutely useless procrastinator, I had no plan for what I would do after uni and YouTube was just meant to be a hobby but now it's turning into a full time job.

"Y/N!!! YOUR FAMOUS!!" Louise screams at me from across the park, Louise had been a friend of mine for years now and she encouraged me to begin YouTube, I run into her open arms and she squeezes me tightly. "I KNOW! Crazy right??" We both laugh and she eventually lets me go, I lean over with my hands on my thighs panting trying to regain my breath, Louise starts giggling at the sight of me, then she gasps "omg, you have to meet my friends!" I forgot about meeting other youtubers it had completely skipped my mind, maybe I might be able to meet Dan and Phil? "sure Lou! When though?" She thought about this for a while hand on her chin, she was leaning to the side a bit in a sassy pose "how about Tuesday?" It was Monday today, cutting it a bit short but what can you do? I agreed to the plan and she started texting her friend Tanya, I was ecstatic!

Lou texted me later on when I got back to my flat in Islington
Louise: Tanya said she has rounded up everyone ready to meet you!

Y/N: where are we going to be meeting, and when?

Louise: in the park at 1:00pm xx

Y/N: ok, see ya then! Xx

I began getting an outfit ready I wanted to look perfect for the park I could not wait! I had a quick shower and watched an episode of attack on Titan before going to check my subscription count, holy crap, I had gained half a million followers in under an hour! I spent the rest of my night scrolling tumblr looking at gifs of bad 90's tv shows and watching YouTube, then at 11:30 I finally got to sleep, tomorrow will hopefully be a good day.

Please give me your feedback on this story, constructive criticism is appreciated but try not to be to critical, I will be publishing a new chapter soon!

Best of both worldsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt