Chapter 13

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"Dan! What do we do??" I was on the verge of tears, if that video got out the whole phandom would be on my case and I would probably be forced off the internet forever. "I.. I don't know" he held his forehead with both hands, I wasn't going to lose Dan, not today, not ever. I opened the door and looked around the room, all I could hear were screams and squeals. I tried to look around the room but my view was blocked by fans asking for an autograph. "Hey guys!" Joe came up to us, cutting through the crowd "are you all right?" He looked at me, I felt my eyes go puffy. "Come on you two, I'll take you back to the green room" he held my hand and I reached out for dans, joe led us through the crowd until we got back to the green room.

"Y/N? Are you ok?" I didn't notice this persons voice, it was very deep yet very high at the same time. I turned around to see Jacksepticeye or Sean standing there staring at me, he gave me a friendly hug. "Thanks for the hug Sean" I sniffled and he gave me a pitiful smile "anytime" I turned back around to see Zoe looking at me "Dan told me what happened" I frowned at the floor "I'm going to lose him Zoe" i could feel tears running down my cheeks, she gave me a big hug "you're not going to lose him" I let go of Zoe and tried to find Dan. I couldn't see him around anywhere "Dan!" I yelled "Dan!" I kept searching around the room until I saw him sat down on a sofa, he had his head in his hands and his fringe was being pushed back. "Dan?" He slowly looked up, his eyes were red and puffy "I'm so sorry Y/N" I saw a tear run down his face, my heart broke a little bit "you've got nothing to be sorry for" I sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around him. "It will all be ok" I whispered in his ears, I kissed his bright red cheeks "I promise"

I was doing a Q&A with Louise in 5 minutes, I really didn't want to leave him but I had too. I gave him another kiss on the cheek "I have to go" he kept looking at the floor "I'll come find you straight after" I stood up to leave when I felt him tug at the hem of my shirt, I turned around and he hugged me. I hugged him back before pushing him away "be careful" he warned me. I nodded at him and walked back to the doors, I opened them and cut through the crowd stopping occasionally to take a selfie or write an autograph.

I finally managed to make it to the stage where Louise was waiting for me, "speak of the devil! Here's Y/N now!" She welcomed med me into the stage and the crowed screamed. We had some casual banter and then she started asking questions. "Y/N, when did you have your first proper kiss?" I went on about my very awkward first kiss experience making the crowd cringe and scream. Once the crowd had died down Louise asked another question, it went on like this for a couple of minutes and the entire time I couldn't stop thinking of Dan. "Y/N? Wakey wakey!" I snapped out of my day dream and the crowd laughed "anyway as I was saying-" the rest of the Q&A went by in a blur, Louise gave me a question, I replied with a funny/witty answer and the crowd laughed. It went like clock work. "Well! That was great fun Y/N and as much as I wish to continue I'm afraid our time is up!" The crowd sighed, Louise had really gotten into this whole Q&A host persona. "Thanks for having me!" Everyone laughed and I stood up and waved goodbye to the crowd and I left the stage.

When I was walking back to the green room a girl suddenly jumped in front of me. "Can I help you?" I asked her, she just stared at me with cold eyes "you ruined phan!" She gritted her teeth, at first I began to play dumb "w-what do you mean?" I scratched the back of my neck. By this point 16 people surrounding us had over heard our conversation and were looking very confused "you know exactly what I mean" she grabbed her phone out of her pocket and started typing something. She turned her phone around and shoved it in my face, it was a YouTube video titled "Y/C/N kisses danisnotonfire at sitc!" It had already gotten 800 views. "Is that legit??" I heard a voice from behind me yell "110%" the girl in front of me squinted her eyes at me. The next few seconds went in slow motion. Suddenly the crowd began to scream, not in a happy way, they were screaming in anger. "You whore! No one ruins phan!" I looked around me, 400+ teenage girls wearing cat whiskers were giving me glares. "Get her!" I instinctively began running and the crowd tried chasing me, where are your fans when you need them?? I felt two tears run across my face, I was tripped by a stray foot and I quickly tried to get to my feet. "Quickly! Get her while she's down!" I felt hands grabbing at my feet and I tried kicking them away.

I was only a few inches away from the doors when I felt a burning sensation in my cheek but I didn't stop to check what had happened. Two security officers had opened the doors for me, I sprinted into the green room and the security slammed the doors shut behind me. I sank to my knees panting, crying and sweating all at once. I heard all the other youtubers around me fall silent. "Y/N?" I could see Zoe's black boots I front of me, I looked up at her and she gasped. "Y/N, your face" I pawed my cheek, it was bleeding fairly heavily, one of the fans must've scratched me. "I'm fine" I wiped my cheek with me sleeve "well your obviously not" she stood me up and pulled a tissue out of her handbag "there you are" she dabbed it over my wound. Conversation in the room started to go back to normal, Zoe had sat me down on one of the sofas in the corner. "Where's Dan?" I asked her "he's at the creativity panel" she sighed, in the middle of our conversation a man approached me "are you alright darlin'?" I recognised his voice "hey joe, I'm ok" it was joe weller, I loved his kitty music video. He gave me a pitiful smile "if you need anything I'm right here ok?" I nodded "thanks" he placed a hand on my shoulder and left. "Here let's get you a coffee while we wait for Dan"

I hope you liked this chapter! I didn't proof read it so it might a bit off but I hope you enjoyed it anyway! The chapters might slow down a little bit because I have to do a lot of things this summer but I will try to upload regularly. Remember to vote, comment and share! Thanks again for 133 reads! You guys are the best!!

Best of both worldsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt