Chapter 16

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The warm water both burned and soothed the cuts and bruises on my legs, I understood why everyone was so shocked when they saw my leg. It had about 6 large purpley- yellow bruises  with 13 different cuts on my calf alone, on my thigh there was 10. My left leg was slightly better, but not a lot. My arms were badly bruised and a huge frying pan shaped bruise was directly in the middle of my stomach where I was kicked. I couldn't look at my body without gagging. "Feel any better?" Zoe asked, Dan had left Zoe to help me clean myself. "Yeah" it did still really hurt, but not as much as before.

Zoe helped get me out the bath and wrapped a towel around me, all of the mirrors had steamed up and I couldn't see my reflection. Because we were at Dan and Phil's flat I didn't have any of my clothes so I had to wear the muddy and torn outfit I was wearing previously. I was putting on my top when I felt two hands land on my hip, I shivered "who's that?" They laughed, it was Dan. "Dan!" I yelled "you scared me!" He removed his hands and I pulled my shirt down and turned to look at him "nice bra by the way" I blushed and he laughed and then kissed my forehead. He wrapped his arms around my waist kissed me passionately on the lips, "I love you so much" he mumbled "i love you too".

I sat down on the sofa and realised that I didn't have my phone "Phil, do you know where my phone is?" I asked him, he walked over to me and pulled my phone out of his pocket "here you go" I took it out of his hands "thanks". I checked my Twitter and it was mental, tons of my fans had tweeted me asking about what happened after sitc, I guess I had to tell them what happened. 'Hey guys, some of you have been wondering what happened after sitc and basically I was attacked, I'm slightly damaged but nothin' I had to continue on a different tweet, stupid Twitter with its 140 character rule '-g to be worried about, thank you all for coming, I had a wonderful time meeting you all!' I finished the tweet and then uploaded it.

Everyone was, unsurprisingly, freaking the hell out. 'WHO DID IT?? I'LL FUCKING KILL THEM!' Let's just say that my feed was a mix of profanities and the 😡 emoji. "I saw your tweets" I looked up and saw Dan walk in to the room "why didn't you tell them who did it to you?" I turned off my phone to save battery power "because it would've started world war 3" my voice was a bit hoarse from earlier "imagine it, the phandom vs my fandom" I shuddered at the thought. "Fair enough".

I went back on my phone to check my Instagram feed, because I follow a few of my fan accounts, I noticed that they were all getting suspicious. 'Who do you think did it?' They were all having debates and arguments, someone even suggested that Dan did it but that idea was shut down quickly, thank god. I kept scrolling until I stumbled across a video, the caption was 'OMFG!! LOOK ITS Y/N!!' I watched the video. I saw myself standing outside dans car, someone had filmed me getting attacked. I could see the whole thing unfold, the punches, the kicks, the swearing and worst of all the screams of encouragement from the crowd, they were happy to see me suffer. The video had 50 comments, 'OMFG!!! THATS THE PHANDOM!!' 'LOOK! THEY'RE ALL WEARING CAT WHISKERS!!' I refreshed my feed and I just saw the same video over and over again. I went on Twitter and my feed was filled with the video even my tumblr feed was filled with the video. "Dan" he looked up "yeah?" I passed him my phone "look through my feed" he began scrolling and as he did I saw his eyes grow wider and his mouth drop. "Shit" I forgot that he didn't see me get attacked, this must be horrible for him to see "this is disgusting" he gave me my phone back, he wiped his eyes "Dan, I'm in enough physical pain, I don't need you to put me in any emotional pain" I hugged him and buried my head in his neck.

"When do you want to go back to your flat Y/N?" Zoe walked in and sat on the chair opposite Dan and I. "It's already getting really late, how about you stay here the night?" Dan suggested "okay then" I agreed with him, I didn't want to go back to my flat and sleep alone. Zoe looked at her phone "it's 10pm already?" She shrugged and shoved her phone back into her hand bag "we better get going then" Louise popped her head around the door, "but I want to stay and look after Y/N" she walked in and sat next to me "you've got Darcy at home!" Zoe stood up "okay then" she rolled her eyes and stood up with Zoe "bye guys!" Zoe and Louise walked to the front door and waved "bye!" I waved back and they shut the door behind them.

"What should we do now then?" Phil walked in from the kitchen "we could watch a movie?" I suggested, Dan looked at Phil and Phil looked at me "sure!" Phil went back into the kitchen to make popcorn and Dan and I were left to choose the movie. Halfway through deciding Dan whispered in my ear "I don't trust Phil" was I hearing this correctly? How can he not trust Phil? "What do you mean?" I replied, why is he bringing this up now? "He just seems to be a bit attached to you" he kept scrolling through the movies "don't go yandere on me Dan" yandere-Dan, that could be his new nickname. Suddenly Phil walked back in with 3 large bowls of popcorn, I quickly sat back up "here you go guys" he passed a bowl to me and a bowl to Dan "what movie are we watching?" He sat down next to me, put his bowl in his lap and began nibbling on his popcorn. "We're watching the woman in black" I stole the remote from dans hand and selected the movie "but that movies terrifying!" Phil brought his knees up to his chest and hugged a pillow. I laughed "don't be such a baby Phil" the movie started and I ate another handful of popcorn.

Phil screamed "who was that??" He pointed at the screen "shhh Phil!" He was ruining the immersion. I reached around my bowl for more popcorn but I had run out, I wiped my hands on my blanket and continued watching the movie. Halfway through a tense scene I felt something lightly touch my hand, I glanced at my hand thinking there was a demon trying to drag me to the pits of hell but it was only phil. He moved his hand slowly up mine, he probably didn't realise he was doing it. I decided to ignore it and hopefully he would realise what he was doing. A couple of seconds later he was holding my hand and I realised that this was no accident, was Dan right? I tried to slide my hand out from underneath his, he looked down and saw me trying to remove my hand, he blushed. I felt so bad for him, he's so handsome and kind but I love Dan, not him. Why doesn't he understand that?

 Dan's mixtape was lit af🔥😂 As always I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! I'm soooo sorry it's really bad and really late but I've been catching a lot of Pokemon😂 Remember to comment, vote and add it to your library! New chapter coming soon!

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Dan's mixtape was lit af🔥😂 As always I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! I'm soooo sorry it's really bad and really late but I've been catching a lot of Pokemon😂 Remember to comment, vote and add it to your library! New chapter coming soon!

Best of both worldsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt