Chapter 7

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I woke up with my cheeks wet and mascara stains all over my pillows. I had a horrible headache and I felt sick. When I looked around the room I saw 2 empty wine bottles laying on the ground, I guess I let my emotions get the better of me last night.

I had a hot shower and spent 30 minutes combing the knots out of my hair. I wiped the remainder of my makeup from my face with wet wipes, I tried to recall any memories from last night but all I remember was the feeling of my tears rolling down my cheeks.

For most of the morning I just walked around my flat being miserable, I didn't feel like eating anything. Ding, my phone went off again, I was really not in the mood for human interaction. I checked it none the less.

From Dan
Y/N I'm so sorry for how I treated you last night, it was unfair of me to put all the blame on you, am I forgiven?

I want to accept his apology, I  really do but after the way he spoke to me, I don't know if I can. I was too emotionally drained to talk to Dan. Ding! For gods sake! Who was it now?

From Zoe
Hey Y/N, YouTuber meet up @ the park in like 2 hours xx

Ugh. I guess I'll go, only because Zoe's going.

I tried to put a decent outfit together, it was ok but not brilliant. My makeup was actually quite good all things considered.

An hour and a half later I called up a cab and within 10 minutes I was at the park. No one else was there so I sat on the park bench and waited. "Y/N! Hey!!" I whipped my head round to see Zoe running towards me, I stood up and ran into her open arms. She gave me a big bear hug and whispered in my ear "are you ok after yesterday?" I looked her in the eyes and nodded, after another quick hug she released me and we both sat down.

5 minutes of nattering later I saw someone walk towards us, they were tall and relatively pale, Dan? No it can be, Dan always looked so awake and alive, the person in front of me wasn't the Dan I knew. "Hey" he said, he sounded so weak, I couldn't take it anymore. I ran up to him and gave him a hug "wha-" he stuttered "I forgive you" I could hear Zoe aww-ing at the sight of us. Dan wrapped his arms around me tightly, I had never felt more loved.

 Dan wrapped his arms around me tightly, I had never felt more loved

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Then it was ruined. "Hey guys! What's goin-" Phil had arrived. He stopped in his tracks when he saw me hugging Dan. Dan turned around to face Phil, he still had his arm on my back. "Oh" Phil's smile changed to a frown. "Hello Phil" Dan snapped, I knew this would happen "I didn't know you two would be here" Phil mumbled. I looked at Dan who was staring at Phil, who was staring at me, who was staring back.

After 1 minute of this Marcus broke the silence "hey guys! Wassup?" He stomped up to us and playfully slapped Phil on the back. He noticed everyone's glum looks "what did I miss?" Zoe glared at him and he backed away slowly "okayyy I see I came at a bad time" I did not want to be left here with Dan, Phil and Zoe. "Marcus!" I called after him "get over here!" His head spinner around and he began jogging over, I whispered in his ear "help me out here" he nodded his head and tried making conversation.

"So guys did you see the football match yesterday? It's was so good!" Marcus began laughing and Zoe aided him in his attempt to lessen the awkwardness. "I didn't see it. Who won?" They began chatting about random topics but that didn't stop Dan and Phil glaring at each other. "Phil! Are you ok?" Marcus questioned, I turned to look at phil and I was slightly scared. His pupils had shrunk dramatically and he was visibly shaking. "Phil?" I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, his fists were clenched tightly, suddenly he stood up and began walking over to Dan.

"PHIL!" Zoe yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" The next few seconds went in slow motion, Phil raised his fist. "DAN!! MOVE!!" I screamed, Dan moved his head round and he immediately spotted Phil's fist coming towards his face. Unfortunately he noticed too late and was punched on the side of his head, my heart stopped. "DAN!!" I ran over to him, he had been knocked out cold. He had fallen to the ground, I kneeled next to his face and propped his head up on my lap. I checked dans pulse, It was still going strong thank god. "Oh my god" I heard Phil gasp "what have I done?" He began sobbing and Zoe tried to comfort him.

"OH MY GOD!! DAN!!" I turned my head to see Louise running from the entrance of the park to me. I only just realised how hard I was crying, "Louise" I could barely say a full sentence. "WHAT HAPPENED?" I explained to her what happened and she just stared at Phil with wide eyes "what? Phil did this?" She was as shocked as me.

"Ugh.. What's happening?" I saw Dan open his eyes slightly "DAN! Thank god your ok!" I planted a kiss on his forehead "my head.." I forgot to check his wound, holy shit. There was a massive purpley, yellow bruise on the side of his face. "Thanks for that kiss by the way" he uttered, I laughed and another tear rolled down my face, I kissed him again "your welcome".

Sorry it's a bit late but it was worth it! I'm still not on summer break but when I am, there will be a lot more updates to look forward to! Keep reading to see what happens!

Best of both worldsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt