Chapter 39

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Phil's POV-

I was watching some anime, waiting for Dan to come home from Y/N's place. As I was waiting I heard someone open the front door "Dan! Is that you?" I called out but all I heard in response was sobbing "Dan?" I got up and tried to find the source of the noise, then I came across Dan sat down by the front door, curled up in a ball crying "Dan, what's wrong?" I kneeled down and placed my hand on his shoulder "I broke up with Y/N" that made no sense, why would he brake up with her? "Why?" He sniffled and wiped his nose on his jumper sleeve "the longer we were together the more she got hurt and I didn't want to see her like that" I sighed and rubbed my eyes "you've fucked up, again" I didn't want to make him feel bad but it was the truth "look, no more fucking around with Y/N ok?" I grabbed his head and forced him too look at me "you are going to get your shit together and sort it out" he looked a bit afraid of me "thousands of people would kill to be in a relationship with Y/N, including me" he glared at me briefly but soon stopped once I squeezed his head tighter "so you need to stop messing up" I released him from my grip and stood up "now come on, I'm going to get you and Y/N back together".

I pulled him into the front room and picked up my phone and selected Y/N's number from my contacts "now call her, tell her you didn't mean it and be a decent boyfriend" I knew he didn't appreciate me criticising him but he needed to get his head out off his ass "go on" I shoved the phone in his face and he took it "here goes nothing" he took a deep breath and called her, almost immediately she answered the phone "hey Phil!" I could hear her and I thought she would've sounded upset but she was quite the opposite "hey Y/N" Dan mumbled nervously "oh, hi Dan" she was clearly annoyed that it wasn't me calling her "I'm so sorry for breaking up with you, I just didn't want you to keep getting hurt because of me" Y/N was quiet for a little bit, probably thinking about what to do "look Dan, I have given you more than enough Chances and I'm getting sick of you thinking that I will always come back to you" I saw a tear begin to form in dans eyes "I can't keep doing this" I understood where Y/N was coming from, Dan has been taking her for granted lately "Y/N please, I love you so much" I felt so bad for Dan, he does love Y/N a lot "I'm sorry dan, talk to me when you have a good reason for me to come back" and then she hung up.

Dan began to sob heavily "I'm just one big fuck up" I sat down and tried to comfort him "all I do is hurt people and mess things up" I squeezed him tightly "no you don't Dan, you're so sensitive and kind, you just need to be a bit more grateful of what you have" I hope I didn't offend him too much "you're right, I never realise what I have until it's gone" he leaned his head on my shoulder and cried "I love you Phil" I smiled at him "I love you too". (Platonically)

Your POV-

I jumped up and down on my sofa singing along to love myself by hailee steinfield and it immediately made me feel 10x better, it was such an empowering song. "Feeling good on my own, without you!" I just imagined Dan in front of me and I was singing it to him "I'm gonna put my body first and love me so hard that it hurts!" When the song had finished I thought to myself 'maybe instead of a roommate I should get a pet!' So I began to google good pets to have when you live in a flat and immediately something caught my eye. It was a black, Siberian cat, it looked so fluffy and cute! I checked out the description and it said that her name was 'onyx' sort of like the pokemon. They said that she was caring, loyal and sweet, I was sold! And to make her even more beautiful she had one blue eye and one green, she looked amazing. I immediately contacted the animal home selling her and asked when they could bring her round, I gave them my address and they said that she'd be round in a few days. I was so excited!

I'm sorry guys but I think this book is in its final chapters and it will finish soon, I am however writing a second book as we speak and it's even better than this one! But any ways I hope you enjoyed that chapter! Remember to vote, comment and add this story to your reading list! I will be uploading a new chapter soon!

Best of both worldsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt