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Mira placed the last picture frame on her wall stepping back and admiring at what all she and her mom had did in the past couple of hours. They had managed to move in her tv, bed set, computer desktop and decorate her whole dorm room. This would be Mira's first year as a college student, and she happened to be attending Louisiana State University on a scholarship for Majorette dancing, she was officially a Golden Tigerette.

Her mother Mia was happy for her daughter, but was also nervous about her leaving the nest. She was the only child and Mia hated to be alone, especially since Mira's father is currently serving in the army forces, but it was time for Mira to grow up and experience life for her self.

"Well I suppose I should let you settle in" Mia suggests grabbing her purse.

Mira frowns "Already? I'm gonna miss you mama"

"I'll miss you too sweetheart, I want you to keep your grades up and make sure you have fun-- but not too much fun" She laughs.

Mira awkwardly laughs knowing what her mom was referring to but she had no intentions on messing around, her only focused was school and dance nothing more and nothing less. "Trust me you don't have to worry about that"

Mia nods relieved "Alright give me a hug I gotta go get on the road"

Mira walked into her mothers arms giving her a tight squeeze followed by a kiss on the cheek "I love you"

"I love you too hunny"

After her mom left Mira thought it would be a good idea to explore the campus, she did go on a school tour during her senior year but they didn't really go into depth and she wanted to see what this school had to offer.

Noticing the heat from when she arrived she changed into a pair of denim distressed shorts that hugged her average sized caramel thighs, a white crop top, and her jimmy choo sandals.

Making sure to grab her dorm key Mira left heading towards the cafe to grab a quick snack before exploring. As she expected it was packed, a bunch of students were meeting up with their friends while a few were lost looking for their dorms.

She sighed waiting in the long line of startbucks, she wondered if the line was really worth a blueberry muffin and a caramel frappuccino. Obviously it was because she ended up waiting the whole 30 minutes before sitting down at a round table alone enjoying her snack.

She took this time to look around and see the environment, there was a lot of black people which wasn't a shocker considering it was Louisiana but there were a few white people here and there as well. The race differentiation pretty much stopped there despite a few Latina girls.

Taking the last bite of her muffin she got up to throw away its wrapping in a nearby trash can, almost there she bumped into a hard chest causing her to stumble to the ground.

"Ow" She mumbled, rubbing her thigh which she fell on.

The tall figure looked down at her and she looked back up completely mesmerized. He was..He was a piece of work, with the same skin tone as her, he also had pink plump lips and small almond shaped eyes. A beard surrounded the lower portion of his face, and his curly hair was died a blonde color.

"Oh shoot my fault ma' " He says, scratching his head then reaching his had out for her to grab.

"Oh shoot my fault ma' " He says, scratching his head then reaching his had out for her to grab

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