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I woke up to a cool breeze on my lower half, opening my tired eyes I saw Mira climbing onto my lap and the covers thrown on the floor.

"What you doing?" I asked still trying to fully wake myself up.

Ignoring my question she leaned forward kissing my lips, her hands gripped onto the waistband of my boxers while mine naturally fell to her ass.

"It's like five in the morning Mira" I said in between the kiss.

She stopped and placed her right hand up to my face while making direct eye contact to me for once "Make love to me."

"W-what?" I asked, I had no idea where this was coming from. I thought for sure she was done with a nigga and now here she was asking something I never expected her to ask. I knew we'd get there eventually but I find that expect her to flat out ask me to.

"You heard me" She whispered pulling my boxers fully down, attaching her lips to the side of my face then neck.

I grabbed her hand before she could do anything else "Wait."

She sighed stopping her actions completely "Why are you being difficult."

"I'm..Im not I'm just confused" I said truthfully. "Don't you want to talk about what I just told you?"

"I don't want to talk or think about that right now. All I want is to feel how much you love me, can you show me that or not?"

"I can but..are you fully healed? You sure you're re—"

"Odell" She cut me off. "Yes or no."

"Okay" I quit stalling and gave in. I pulled her back in leading the kiss this time while flipping her over on her back. Her arms wrapped around my neck naturally and her robe came off shortly after.

I grabbed her hair tie pulling it out of her hair allowing her it to drop freely, staring into her eyes I could see she had crying earlier and I was going to try my best to make her feel better even if it was just for moment.

Laying kisses on her neck, chest, stomach, inner thighs and legs. I gave every piece of her body attention before returning back to her lips.

Adjusting my member to her entrance I kissed her deeply before slowly pushing myself in, she gasped arching her back off of the bed.

I pushed her back down softly whispering sweet nothings into her ear I took my time stroking in and out of her refraining from cussing out loud.

Her hands moved from my neck to my back, her nails piercing my skin "Baby" She gasped.

"I love you" I muttered continuing my movement never losing contact with her eyes with my forehead touching hers. Pleasure was written all over her face and radiated from her body "You love me?"

"Yes" She moaned.

"Say it" I softly bit her bottom lip.

"I love you so much, uh" Mira moaned as I plunged myself deeper "Fuck" her nails penetrated my skin harder.

I lifted her leg up kissing her inner thigh

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