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"Yeah yeah I'm on my way, I'll be there in five minutes" I groan hanging the phone up on Chris, I rubbed my eyes before yawning and then getting up outta bed. I didn't intend on going anywhere today but Chris insisted I meet up with him for breakfast.

Stepping into my bathroom I brushed my teeth and washed my face clean before taking a quick shower and getting dressed. In the next fifteen music I was at IHOP getting directed by the host to where Chris was sitting at.

"Wassup wassup" I smiled dapping him up.

"Five minutes my ass more like twenty" He said shaking his head and laughing.

"Nigga fuck you I was sleeping but no you wanna go out and eat with yo fat ass" I joke.

He gave me the bird looking through his menu, "Anyway you going to Reds party tonight?"

"That nigga always got a party going on,  I guess tho ain't shit else to do"

"Hi I'm Sabrina your waitress for the morning, can I start you guys off with some drinks?"

"Uh yeah I'll take a orange juice" I said.

She nodded writing it down on her little notepad "And you?"

Chris looked at her rubbing his goatee "Aint you in my economics class?"

She smiled "Yeah I am"

"Thought so, I'll take a water"

"Cool I'll be back in a second" She said again walking away but adding a little swish to her walk for him to see, biting his lip Chris watched her.

I kicked him in his knee under the table "Ow fuck!"

"I told you bout flirting with girls around me when you with my sister" I scoff.

"Damn my bad"

"Yeah yo bad" He had honestly ruined my mood with that but I was going to just brush it off since I was hungry.

After she brought us our drinks we ordered our food and waited


I didn't feel like going to my apartment after eating with Chris so I decided on driving over to my moms and dads house and visit them since they only lived a good thirty minutes away without traffic.

I knocked on the door and a few moments later my little sister Jasmine opened up. "Bubba!" She smiled jumping in my arms.

"Wassssupppp, what ma' telling you about answering the door like that?"

She frowned "I know but I saw your car outside"

I shook my head laughing pecking her forehead and placing her down. "Where Kordell and Sonny?"

"The game room, mama is in the kitchen making us a snack right now"

I make my way over to the kitchen and she was cutting up some apples placing them in a bowl that had various types of cut up fruits in them

"Wassup Ma'dukes" I laid my head on her shoulder, wrapping my arms around her waist swinging us side to side.

"Odell" She gleamed turning around "I missed youuu!"

"I missed you too mama" I said as we shared a hug then she popped me in my shoulder catching me off guard "Ow what was that for?"

"For acting like you can't come see us, school been going on for a good two months now boy"

mamas angel |Odell Beckham| Where stories live. Discover now