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"Oh my--shhhit" I gasped digging my nails his back wrapping my legs tighter around his waist

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"Oh my--shhhit" I gasped digging my nails his back wrapping my legs tighter around his waist. I laid flat on my back in the center of my bed while he was hovering over me delivering slow but deep strokes and I felt every inch of him.

I gradually  flipped over on his command  grasping onto the headboard, I heard him mutter something to himself before easing his way back in. "Fuck" He groaned placing his palms on my ass guiding me to move back in forth.

I bit my lip moaning into my pillow, trying to contain the urges to scream out, out the corner of my eye mid stroke I noticed my phone vibrating like crazy. "'Mmm,wait" I panted, grabbing it realizing it was Justine.

"Dell" I groaned.

"She can wait" He grunted slowing his strokes, I ignored him answering anyway.


"M-Mira have y-you seen my brother" She whimpered.

Immediately becoming concerned I pushed Odell off of me sitting up right "Yeah I'm with him right now..what's up?"

Odell's face furrowed hearing the sound of his sister crying, he snatched the phone putting it to his ear "Why you crying?"

"Chris and I got into a bad argument over some m-messages in his phone and--" She started to break down hysterically "He's going crazy right now--I just--I don't know"

Odell quickly slipped on his sweats and shirt "Where are you right now?"

"In his apartment bathroom" She sniffed.

"Justine come the fuck out I'm not playing with you!" Chris's voice boomed in the background along with the sound of him banging on the door. "Bitch!"

Odell's face furrowed into anger and he grabbed his car keys "Stay right there and don't move, understand?"

"O-okay" She cried before he hung up.

"I'll be back" He grumbled.

"No, I'm coming with you" I said quickly getting up and throwing on some shorts and tank top not caring about the freezing cold weather outside.

I rushed to put on my shoes then followed Odell out to his car, he hopped in slamming the door loudly causing me to jump a little "My bad" He mumbled screeching off onto the main road.

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