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"You want toes? I will do for you! Anyting you like" The Chinese lady asked me for the fifth time in the past hour while she painted a baby pink polish on my acrylic nails.

I sigh tapping away on my phone with my free hand trying not to get frustrated with her "No ma'am I'm fine"

Justine snickered by me as she was getting her toes done, I had did mine at home a few days ago so there was no need to spend money to redo them.

"Ooo girl I got something to tell you"

"What is it?" I glance over her, she had a apparent mug on her face so I knew she was about to tell me about some shit Chris had did. As she began to tell her story my phone had buzzed indicating I got a text message that happened to be from Odell, I smiled texting him back.

 As she began to tell her story my phone had buzzed indicating I got a text message that happened to be from Odell, I smiled texting him back

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"Mira helloooooo are you listening?" Justine asked snapping her fingers in front of my face.

I jumped up snapping out of it. "Sorry girl what did you say?"

She sighed " I said last  night I went to Chris place to chill and do homework right, and after we were done I wanted to watch a movie so we went to his living room, of course we couldn't find the remote cause he loses every damn thing but eventually he lifted the couch cushion and there it was but the was something else too" She huffed

Becoming fully interested I asked, "What was it?"

"A bra, a fucking bra. No it couldn't have been mine because it was like a fucking double d and I barely fit into a full B, and this nigga had the fucking nerve to say baby that's yours why you playing? I swear I decked that nigga right in his jaw" She ranted rolling her neck as well.

"You hit the him?" I asked widening my eyes, I'd never hit a guy because I was scared they'd hit my ass right back. I sure didn't want to find out if they would so I learned to keep my composure in situations like that.

She nodded proudly "I almost knocked him into last Friday"

"W-what if he was to hit you back though?"

Justine laughed causing me to raise an eyebrow "Chris...hit me? That's funny he might be a dumb ass but he's not fucking crazy I can tell you that, Odell would kill him."

I simply nodded not wanting to dig deeper into that subject.

"But anyways enough about me what are you doing tonight?" She spoke slipping her feet into the little foam flip flops the nail salon provided so they could dry.

"I was thinking about going to Odell's kick back are you going?"

She rolled her eyes "Chris will be there so I'll have to pass, I got an exam tomorrow morning anyways"

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