•fourty seven•

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Cheers to 153k ❤️ I don't think I'll be writing a sequel to this..I might make it longer or just do a bunch of time skips but I think we might be nearing towards the end. Don't kill me, irdk what im doing but..

 Don't kill me, irdk what im doing but

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"You scared me baby" Odell mumbled caressing my knuckles with his hand while his head was nuzzled into my neck. I wrapped my arm around him as best as I could since he was sitting down and I was on the hospital bed comforting him as he softly cried.

"I'm sorry" I said tiredly, they had me sedated and even though it was wearing off my body was still weak "I don't know what went wrong"

"Mhm, the doctors said you were losing a lot of blood because one of your vessels popped" He explained "Thank God your mama was able to donate, I could've lost you" He sniffed

"You didn't babe, I'm fine see" I lifted his head so he would look at me giving him a smile.

He sighed in relief kissing the corner of my lips.

I cleared my throat "Where's my little Olive?"

"The nurse about to bring her back in I told her to give us a second, everyone else went home they're exhausted"

"Oh okay" I said "What did you and Justine talk about earlier?"

He rubbed under his nose removing himself from my hold and sitting up "Nothing"

"Odell" I said giving him a look.

"A lot happened today baby, I just want to enjoy the rest of the night with you and Olivia we can talk about that shit later..cool?"

I noticed that the subject was causing his mood to change so I just let it ago "Cool." I confirmed.

Just as I said that the nurse knocked twice before letting herself in pushing Olivia's incubator infront of her "How are you doing Mrs.Johnson?"

"Much better, thank you" I smiled.

"Good to hear, let me know if you feel off about anything so we can prevent situations like earlier from happening again" She said.

I simply nodded and watched her as she scooped Olivia up into her arms "We did bottle feed her but that was an hour ago she should be hungry again, would you like to try and breastfeed since we didn't get a chance to go over that?"

"Yeah" I sat up more in the bed and she placed Oliva in my arms causing a smile to form on my lips as she looked up at me. "Hey mamas girl"

Surprisingly her eyes were wide open and she stared at me clicking her tongue. She was beautiful, and nothing like I had envisioned her to be. She had Odell's small eyes, cheeks and ears but she had my nose and full lips. Her skin was more of a warm brown tone like mine unlike Odell's yellow tint and she had a small birthmark along her hairline.

mamas angel |Odell Beckham| Where stories live. Discover now