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4 months later

Justine sat in front of her vanity sighing, she twirled the ends of her hair not knowing what to do with her face. Sterling wanted to take her out since she's been confined to her apartment most of the time. Mostly because she didn't want to go out into the real world and watch people experiencing what she couldn't—happiness, being free all of that.

She spent most of her time trying to just work on herself. She even started to do hair again, she didn't get her job back but she still had a small group of clientele she'd make house visits too.

But most importantly she was actually trying to heal, she knew she would never accept the fact that Chris and Cj were gone but she wanted to be able to live her life.

She was still young and didn't want to flush what is supposed to be the best years of her life down the drain. That being said she started going to therapy, there were many times where she wanted to stop going. But she pushed herself to let someone help her.

The lady she was talking to was a nice older women and it was easy for Justine to open up to her. It's just that when she started to ask Justine about certain topics she would shut down.

"You getting ready like I asked?" Sterling asked walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Hm? Oh um yeah" She turned to look at him "I just zoned out sorry"

He made his way over to her placing both of his hands on her shoulders "What I tell you about over thinking? You just pulling yourself back into that dark hole"

"I know I know I'm working on it" She assured him.

"Aight' come on and get dressed I got a couple of things planned for us"

She bit her lip nodding "Casual or?"

He shrugged "Eh' dressy casual"

Justine stood up figuring that she would just do her hair and makeup after she found something to wear. Stepping into her closet she pulled out black body suit and pink pencil skirt, bending down to the floor she grabbed a regular pair of black heels then placed them all on the dresser.

"This okay?" She questioned.

"Yeah that should be fine, grab a jacket though it's supposed to get chilly later on tonight"

"Okay" She said.

She then removed her leggings and sports bra replacing them with the body suit. Back then she had lost a lot of weight due to not eating as much as she should have but she was now starting to gain it back.

"Baby come here" Sterling called out for her while he sat on the bad.

She turned walking over to him lifting an eyebrow "What? Aren't you supposed to be getting dressed too" She chuckled.

"I am but.. I just wanted to talk to you." He said holding her by her waist as she stood over him.

"In your towel" She laughed.

"Stop playing man" He grinned "Nah but I just want to say how proud I am of you, you've been working hard and even though you ain't all the way there I can tell you've been happier"

"Well..I just try not to think about it" She sighed "Sometimes it's hard not to but I've just been busying myself."

"It's alright to reminisce baby I'm just saying that you don't let it take over you anymore, and you strong as fuck for that" He told her.

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