• twenty five •

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The next morning I woke up with my neck in excruciating pain, when I looked in the mirror all I could see is purple and blue surfacing my skin. It hurt at even the slightest touch of it.

Groaning I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower avoiding my neck as much as I could. Once I was out I threw on a pair of leggings and a hoodie making sure to tie it up. By the severity of my neck it looked like the only thing I'd be wearing for a while was hoodies and turtlenecks.

Despite last night, I was still going to go and see Chris. I don't care what anyone says, I love Chris and his mental illnesses aren't going to change that. I'm serious about helping him to get better and a couple of rough patches won't stop me.

Not bothering to check my phone for any calls I grabbed my keys and made the short drive to his apartment grabbing myself some breakfast along the way.

Trotting up his steps I took a deep breath knocking on the door. Considering it was only 10 am I wasn't surprised that he didn't answer the door he was such a heavy sleeper, balancing my food in my hand I fished in my purse for my keys to find the spare I had of his.

After unlocking the door I kicked my slides off and threw my keys on the counter "Babe I'm here we need to talk wake up!" I yelled locking the door.

Placing my food on the counter top I walked over to his room to wake him up. Opening the door my heart dropped and I was stuck.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't scream.

I couldn't cry.

I was in so much shock, what felt like hours later but only seconds I finally snapped out of it letting out a blood hurdling scream. "Chris!" I cried "What the fuck did you do baby"

I screamed jumping onto the bed trying to get him down. He was hanging from the ceiling fan by a rope, my hands and whole body shook as I tried to untie it.

I pulled and pulled until it finally came undone and  he fell onto the bed. "Babe" I sobbed hitting his chest "Babe wake up.. please wake up"

I felt his neck and I couldn't tell if he had a pulse or not.

I ran out of the room and into the kitchen grabbing my phone from my purse I dialed 911 and ran back into the room.

"This is 911, what's your emergency?"

I climbed back into the bed with Chris's head in my lap "Please s-send someone to h-help me he won't w-w-wake up"

"Who won't wake up sweetheart? Where are you located"

I sobbed trying to get my words out but I felt like my chest was caving in and my lungs were closing up.

"Honey are you there?"

"My boyfriend"

"Alright this is what I need you to do sweetie. I need for you to breathe so you can talk to me. I need to know where you are so I can send you help"

I tried my best to calm down and breathe "I'm at lakeside estate apartment complex building 23A room 35."

"Good job, police are on the way right now. Does your boyfriend have a pulse?"

I caressed his face while rocking us back and forth as my tears fell onto him."I don't know he's not b-breathing"I exclaimed.

"Chris why would you do this to me" I sobbed "Why would you do this"

"What did he do sweetheart?...Sweetie?"

I couldn't even focus on the dispatcher right now my mind was running a mile a minute.

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