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"I'm so fucking nervous Jus, what if I mess up out there?" Mira frantically sighed messing with her hair that was tightly curled and hanged down to her shoulders.

"Would you calm down you're gonna be fine"


Justine sighed placing her hands on Mira's shoulders "Mira you dance good and you look good there is no reason to be nervous, just take a deep breath and finish your makeup okay? We gotta hurry"

"Okay" She mumbled.

The football game started in about an hour so Mira and the rest of the girls were getting dressed and prepped to sit in the stands. She was more than nervous, this would be her first college football game to be performing in. Usually her mom would be around to soothe her and calm her down but she was on her own now, it was time to become a big girl and get it together.

She did what Justine told her to do and took a deep breath then began to finish her makeup, when she was satisfied with the look she added a few touch ups to her hair and made sure her costume was on correctly.

"See girl you look gorgeous" Justine complimented her while placing on her shoes.

"See girl you look gorgeous" Justine complimented her while placing on her shoes

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"Thank you, still nervous but I'll be okay"

"Good, because Coach D is about to come in so get your shoes on"

She nodded and walked over to her dance bag grabbing the flats and placing them on her feet.

"Why is y'all still running around putting on makeup and shit? Hurry up and let's go!" Coach Dianna's voice boomed through the locker room, Mira quickly locked up her things and went to where coach wanted the girls to line up at.


Sitting on the cold bleachers Mira watched the game it was second quarter and four minutes until halftime. She wouldn't deny that she was staring at Odell the whole time. He was just playing so well and looked so good it was hard not too, every time he took off his helmet she melted seeing the sweat beads fall down his face and him licking his lips in frustration.

On the field Odell was waiting for the perfect time to take off towards end zone, when he thought he had a clear path he took off running dodging any player aiming to take him down, once he made it he caught the football thrown across the field to him at ease

On the field Odell was waiting for the perfect time to take off towards end zone, when he thought he had a clear path he took off running dodging any player aiming to take him down, once he made it he caught the football thrown across the field to...

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