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Mira's thumbs hovered over her phone screen while she anticipated her next move, it's now nearing eleven at night and she was still thinking about the little argument her and Odell had. She was contemplating texting him so they could talk but she was also scared to, after a few minutes of thinking she went ahead and shot him a text.

Hey I know you're mad at me right now but could we talk? ☹️ Delivered 11:02 pm

While waiting for a reply she went and got her a chocolate chip granola bar from her little snack bar, hearing her phone vibrate on her bed she ran to it reading the text.

Dellie💙🙄: Say what you gotta say. Sent 11:06 pm

She frowned she didn't want to have a conversation over text she wanted to talk to him in person.

Could I just come over?  Delivered 11:06 pm

Dellie💙🙄: Nah . Sent 11:08 pm

Please :((( (one attachment image sent) Delivered 11:09 pm

Dellie💙🙄: Fine😂 bring me some food then ugly Sent 11:10 pm

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Dellie💙🙄: Fine😂 bring me some food then ugly Sent 11:10 pm

Smiling Mira quickly threw on a hoodie and pair of tights before slipping on her Uggs. She grabbed her keys and made her way out to her car.

She drove around and decided on getting him some pizza. She ordered two large pepperonis, breadsticks and a two liter of pink lemonade from Dominoes, once she  paid for the food she made it to Odell's apartment in a little under five minutes.

Mira carefully walked up the stairs since she had a bunch of things in her arms, making it to his door she kicked it with her foot a few times.

"Which one of y'all bad ass kids kicking my shit!" Odell yelled swinging the door open coming across Mira "Oh" his voice softened.

He grabbed the food from her hands once he noticed she was struggling and placed it on his countertop & then waisted no time to get himself a paper plate to eat off of.

"Geez you welcome" Mira mumbled removing her shoes kicking them by the shoe rack.

Odell took his plate of food to the couch un-pausing the game of Madden football, he was playing online against Jarvis so he was talking on a headset. "Nigga you fucking cheating! I swear Imma end the game"

"Sore ass fucking loser" Jarvis replied smacking his teeth.

Mira huffed sitting beside Odell who paid her no mind "Dell"

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