•twenty six•

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Month later

"How's everything been going?" My mom asked as I stared back at her through my phone

"I mean it's been okay..I haven't talked to Justine in a while because she unrolled from the school"

My mom raised an eyebrow "That poor child dropped out?"

I shook my head "Not exactly, Odell told me she's doing online now. She couldn't handle the pressure at school with Chris being brought up every second"


"Mom it's not like that" I sighed. "I'm just being there for him"

"Well Id hope so."

"Trust me you have my word, as much love as I have for Odell right now isn't the time for us to rekindle anything. I just got out of a relationship and he just lost a friend. We both just need time to find ourselves..and then maybe we can see where we go."

"You really love this boy?" She asked.

"I don't think I know what love is mom..I mean when I'm around him I feel my mood change but..I don't know I love him.

"'Mmm, Well is he on the same page as you? Being friends?"

"We don't really talk about it"

"That's a conversation that should happen sweetheart, don't let that boy put his all into you when you're not ready."

"I'll talk to him." I sigh.

"Alright well I gotta go and get started on dinner for your dad, wanna speak to him before I go?"

"I'll talk to him later it's fine" She gave me a look like she wanted to say something but I just hung up.

Shortly after Chris's funeral my dad had been released from the army. Like I've said before me and my dad close bond was cut short when he was deployed long term. For the longest it was just my mom and I, and I knew once we started to talk he'd dig into my college life or get my mom to tell him.

I know one thing for sure—I have too much on plate already to add my dads judgments on top. If he ever found out about my Lucas, Odell, Kieth situation I wouldn't hear the end of it.

Getting out of my bed I headed into my bathroom to get ready for the day. I had two classes then I was going to stop by Odell's house to check up on him.

After showering and applying my makeup. I took my curlers out my head and placed some denim shorts on along with a halter top. As the school year was coming to an end the temperature was starting to rise again.


"Hey" I said making my way into his messy apartment.

"You early" He said giving me a small hug.

I started picking up the things he had laying around "One of my classes got cancelled—how are you doing?"

"Okay" He shrugged.

"You were 'okay' just a few days ago now be honest.. this place is a mess"

"I finally read the letter" He mumbled twisting his curls with his fingers.

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