•thirty two•

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The next morning Mira's alarm clock read seven am and she was still fast asleep.  Odell however was up bright and early due to his accustomed sleeping schedule.

Careful not to wake her Odell slid from under her grasp. He pulled the covers fully over her before heading into the bathroom to pee. After peeing he washed his hands and face then started the shower.

Standing under the hot water he tried to fully process yesterday's events.

He knew Mira and him weren't ready for a child but the thought of her being pregnant made him happy

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He knew Mira and him weren't ready for a child but the thought of her being pregnant made him happy. The fact that it was over before he even got a chance to react killed him.

Thankfully the news hadn't reached the internet yet which surprised him. People were quick to want to know what was going on in his life but Odell wanted to keep the miscarriage as private as possible for Mira's sake.

They agreed to not let the information leave the family circle. Which included his parents, Justine, and her parents, people they were sure wouldn't speak on it.

When the water started cooling down in the shower Odell got out and wrapped his towel around his waist. Stepping back into the room Mira was still asleep curled up on his side, hugging his pillow.

He chuckled lowly before getting dressed in some joggers and a jacket.

"Where are you going?" Mira's soft voice spoke out.

Odell jumped holding onto his chest "Shit, you scared me I thought you were sleep."

"I heard the shower running and it got cold with out you" She said.

"My bad" He made his way over climbing back into the bed "I'm not going nowhere"

It was silent for a while as they just listened to each other breath.


"Yeah" He asked while getting comfortable laying back.

"You don't have to hold it in you know" She bit her lip "You can cry"

She could see the pain in his eyes they were dark and low as if he hadn't slept.

He sighed, "I'm aight Mira"

She gave him a look "It's me, you don't have to hide how your feeling. It's okay if you're sad O, I'm sad too" she muttered lowly rubbing his chest.

She heard him lightly sniffing so she rose up to sit in his lap despite the pain.

It was then he felt really vulnerable she sat right in his face so it was impossible for him to hide. "Talk to me babe"

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