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Thanksgiving with my family was great, I got to spend time with my family and mom who I missed a lot

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Thanksgiving with my family was great, I got to spend time with my family and mom who I missed a lot. Dinner at our house wasn't as bad as I thought the kids were mostly outside not bothering me. After a week and a half with them I was back at campus.

I was in my literature class listening to my professor explain an upcoming project we'd have due in a few weeks. I mentally sighed cause that was more homework tossed on my already filled plate. "I understand this is a lot of work, so I decided to be generous and allow you to work in partners"

Many people smiled and looked at their friends across the rooms while I just shrugged cause I knew no one in here "But" she started "I will be picking your partners"

Groans and sighs filled in the room and eyes were rolled "Excuse me? This can become a one person project don't get it twisted" She snapped. "Ungrateful asses" She muttered lowly.

I laughed to myself, Mrs.Harrington had to be my favorite professor yet. She was a middle aged black women, with fair brown skin, and about 5'8 in height with hair that was always bone straight and slicked into a ponytail. She wasn't as strict as other professors but still made sure she was respected and her rules were followed.

Everyone instantly hushed up so she proceeded to speak "So" She grabbed a paper from her desk "Ill call out the groups and the two of you can begin to brainstorm. "

As she called out the partners some were happy because they got smart people while others were mad because they got partnered with a slacker. I mentally prayed I got matched up with someone who would equally do the work.

"Mira and Keith" Mrs. Harrington called out.

I looked around trying to figure out who Kieth was, he slightly raised his finger signaling it was him so I grabbed my bag and sat next to him. "Um hey"

"Sup, I'm Kieth"

"Sup, I'm Kieth"

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"Mira" I smiled.

He nodded "I've seen you around before but I can't put my finger on where"

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