•fourty three•

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The waiting room was disturbingly quiet—the only sound that could be heard was the ringing of the receptionists phone and the distinct footsteps from the nurses and doctors. Justine sat next to Sterling emotionless, her head laid against his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her securely.

"Stop that" He ordered as she started to dig into the side of her arm with her nails, it was becoming a habit of hers whenever she felt nervous or anxious and she wasn't able to kick it.

Because of this she started to wear long sleeves or jackets over her shirts because of the embarrassment of the scars they left.

Justine put her jacket on before clasping her hands together and placing them in her lap he then put one hand over hers firmly to cease her shaking.

Sterling and Justine hadn't been an item for long but he cared for her like he'd known her his whole life. He wasn't afraid of the baggage she brought to the table, he wasn't concerned about her previous love for Chris, nor did it matter to him that she had a child. He accepted Cj as well as accepting her troubles and if you couldn't do that for a woman you claim you like or love then you simply aren't a man in his book.

Sitting a couple of seats over Odell laid his head on Mira's lap as she brushed her hand over his curls to relax him. The news of his nephew being in the hospital barely living hit him hard. He could admit he didn't spend as much time as he wanted to with Cj, for the simple fact that his life had been a rollercoaster for the past year.

That wasn't an excuse though and knew that which is why he was taking it so hard at the moment.

"He'll pull through baby.." Mira softly said.

Not in the right space to engage in any type of conversation Odell just grabbed her hand and softly squeezed it so she knew he was listening

Almost thirty minutes later an older white man with a clipboard in his hand made his way over to the four.

He cleared his throat before saying, "Mrs.Beckham?"

Justine quickly stood up wiping her face dry "Yes sir that would be me. How's my baby doing? Is he o—-"

"Ma'am" He interrupted.

"Can I see him? Which way is he?"

"Ma'am" He said again stopping her from saying or asking anything else. "I'm sorry.. but we did all we could"

"Nah..nah..how bruh? He ain't never been sick!"Odell snapped.

"Jesus" Mira lowly said in a whisper she looked over at Justine who just stood there blinking her eyes as if she wasn't processing what was being said to her.

"I'm very sorry sir but what he suffered from is common amongst babies around the world and we haven't discovered cure for it. Sids—Sudden Infant Death Syndrome to be exact um there's no clear explanation to why this happens but it does..and I'm-"

"That's some fucking bullshit!" He yelled "How can a baby just fucking die and y'all don't know why! Y'all been in that room for God knows how long and then you gon say their ain't no explanation!"

"Odell" Mira sighed getting up from her seat "Let's step outside you need some air."

Odell stared at the doctor for a few more seconds before allowing Mira to guide him out of the hospital doors.

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