•twenty two•

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 I woke up with arms tightly wrapped around me, turning over I came face to face with Odell

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I woke up with arms tightly wrapped around me, turning over I came face to face with Odell. I clenched my eyes shut then reopened them and hoped it was a dream but it wasn't. My outfit from last night scattered across the floor along with his clothes and that's when reality started to kick in.

Lifting the covers I saw that we were both naked "Fuck, Mira why" I whispered to myself.

I slid out from under him my and threw whatever I recognized as my clothes back on. I simultaneously remembered I rode to the party with Justine and rode with Odell back to his place, my wallet was still in Justine's car so there was no way I could drive myself home or pay for an Uber.

"What the fuck did I just get myself into" I said talking to myself again.

There was no way I was going to call Justine to pick me up I didn't wanna hear her mouth about this. I already felt like shit and I knew she was going to nag me about how Keith was a great guy and I fucked it up like I don't know that already.

I smack my teeth and walk over to a sleeping Odell and tap his shoulder. He stirred not fully waking up  and flipped onto his stomach. I sighed and tapped him on his back harder.

He groaned rubbing his eyes "Wassup?"

"I need you to take me home" I mumbled.

He cleared his throat sitting up "Give me a second" He walked into the bathroom to I assume freshen up.

Once he came out he grabbed his keys and jacket tossing me one as well. I pulled the large hoodie over my outfit from yesterday.

I made my way outside first and got into the car once he got in as well we drove off. There was an uncomfortable silence as I laid my head against the window.

I was in deep thought wondering how I was going to tell Keith about this. I fucked up badly, whatever Keith and I had was going to be completely over.

I don't know what possessed me to get that drunk, I honestly don't. But I know deep down I knew what I was doing last night and that pisses me off, because no matter how hard I try I can't shake the feelings I have for him. The truth is my mind wants Keith but my heart wants Odell.

"You aight?" Odell asks rasps still in his voice, he placed his hand on my thigh but I politely moved it.

"I'm fine" I brought my hand up to wipe my tears away.

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