•thirty eight•

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"Are you sure you don't wanna go home man?" Sterling asked after I put my suitcases in his car

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"Are you sure you don't wanna go home man?" Sterling asked after I put my suitcases in his car. I had asked him to get me from the airport and to spend a couple days at his place.

"I'm sure" I said getting in and placing on my seatbelt. "Ima give her some space"

He started the car pulling off "Or you just scared"

"Nigga I'm not scared."

"Well you not coming home is just going to make her more mad"

I sighed "Aight imma be honest I don't feel like dealing with the shit right now. That fight all over the damn internet and got everyone speculating. I got Mira in one ear and Camryn in the other, then Justine always got something to say to me"

"How you plan on fixing this bruh? You told Camryn about Mira miscarrying and now the whole world know..nigga I ain't even know that shit"

"I was mourning..and I had to come back here without her and since Camryn and I are so close it just came natural for me to tell her."

My phone buzzed in my lap and I checked it before flipping it over.


"Yup." I popped my lips.

"You're going to run her straight into another mans arms dawg"

I rolled my eyes "I'm gonna fix all this, I just need time."

"In order to do that you're gonna have to leave Camryn alone"

I scrunched my eyebrows "We all friends with her though that don't make sense"

"Nah bruh we cool with her but you..y'all are..you know."

"Nah I don't know" I rubbed my face "Just forget it man ion wanna think about it right now"

"You got it"

Once we made it to his apartment I brought my things up and placed them in the guest room. After I got everything settled I got into the shower to clean up.

Around twenty minutes later I was done so I wrapped my towel around my waist.

"Babe he's not here I'm telling you" I heard Sterling's voice.

"Well where else would he be? If I don't know then I know you do. Mira's freaking out just tell me"

"All I know is that he landed today."

I put my ear to the door listening in on the conversation.

I heard her pout "You do know and you're not telling me"

"Justine I really I don't want to be stuck in the middle of this and neither should you."

"Well I have no choice he's my brother and she's my best friend"

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