• thirty seven •

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It was the next week and Odell was in New Orleans, the Giants had an away game versus the Saints leaving Mira alone at the apartment for the weekend.

She was a bit relieved because a short break from Odell was needed. Mira wasn't angry at Odell just upset, she felt that his relationship with Camryn was a little too close. She's never had much interaction with her but a female knows when another female is checking for their man. So Mira, like another other girl expects her man to take the hint that his girlfriend isn't feeling it and kinda limit the time he spends with her.

When Mira found out Odell went to Camryns apartment right after their argument in the car that blew away any chance of her accepting their so called friendship.

Currently Justine was at the apartment to keep Mira company, she was updating her on Sterling.

"So once you left—"

"Y'all fucked?" She asked.

Justine's mouth dropped "Girl no, not around poor Cj"

Mira laughed "My bad then, continue."

"Anyway, he wanted to take me out since we didn't spend time together on my actual birthday. I was all for it but I had Cj to look after and it's too cold outside for him to be out" She said "So he asked his little sister who attends college down here if she would watch him since she has her own place, now I was kinda skeptical cause I never met the girl."

"So did y'all just stay home?" Mira asked.

"No Sterling really wanted to go so I got my ass dressed and we went over there, I told him if I didn't think it was safe for Cj then I'm turning my ass around but she was really nice he's with her now."

"Well I would have watched him"

"Girl no, not after all that drama with you and Odell"

Mira rose her eyebrow, "Um wha—"

"Stop" Justine said "You're my best friend and he's my brother I notice when something is off between you two so what happened."

Mira rolled her eyes thinking about the situation "That Camryn bitch is starting to work my nerves and I've barely talked to the girl but most of the frustration is coming from Odell's end. He had the bitch driving around in his car and leaving condoms around" She ranted "I haven't brought this up to him but she's always blowing up his phone like constantly and he's quick to reply, but when I was still in Louisiana he would call me back hours later at night talking about he's been busy all day. You're doing the same shit you were doing when I wasn't here so how come you have so much time for this bitch"

Justine shook her head "I see where you're coming from. I honestly think Odell doesn't fuck with that girl like that but he's probably oblivious to how she feels for him."

"Exactly" She said "At first I didn't have a problem with the girl I was willing to be cordial but now my patience is running thin so Odell better fix this before I have to."

"Are you going to tell him that?"

Mira shrugged "I shouldn't have to so we'll see but I don't want to talk about it anymore"

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