•thirty one•

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I rushed in the hospital to be met with Mira's mom in the lobby. "I got here as fast as I could I ain't know she was here, is she okay? What happened? They told me she started bleeding at work and went unconscious"

"Odell sweetie calm down, I don't know anything yet they're working on her"

"Working on her?" My heart dropped.

"Sit, the doctor said it will only be a couple of minutes just be calm. All we can do is pray"

I sighed taking a seat next to her, she placed her hand on my back and quietly prayed. We waited for about fifteen minutes before a nurse let us know we could go in and see her. I followed behind Mrs.Johnson and we made our way into her room.

My baby was hooked up to multiple IV's and a breathing mask. "Why she got that on? Is she awake? Can she breath?"I frowned.

"Yes sir she's alright I just gave her some oxygen she was starting to hyperventilate but her breathing is just fine now. I'll give y'all some privacy the doctor should be in soon" She said after removing the mask.

"Thank you" Mrs Johnson smiled as the nurse walked out.

I got next to the bed running my hands through Mira's hair.

"Babe" She whined starting to cry.

"Shh it's okay, you're okay" I pecked her forehead.

"I'm scared" She sniffed.

Her mom held her hand offering some additional comfort.

A few knocks sounded on the door before the doctor walked in "Good evening..how are you feeling Mrs.Johnson"

"Just tell me what's wrong with me" She sniffed "Not to be rude but—"

"No I understand, is it okay if I speak about your medical information with them in here?"

"Yes that fine this is my mother and boyfriend"

He nodded flipping through his clipboard "This is never easy to discuss but we ran a couple of blood test to be sure and Mrs.Johnson you were approximately three weeks pregnant—"

"Pregnant? No, I just had my period a few days ago."

"Were?" I asked gripping Mira's other hand, to ease her shaking that was starting up.

"Yes.. what you were probably experiencing Mrs.Johnson was the beginning of the miscarriage not your period..I'm deeply sorry but know that it was nothing you did or could've prevented. Miscarriages are very common before the twelve week gestation mark—"

Mira bust into tears covering her face with her hands. Pulling her into a hug I held her into my arms allowing her to cry while trying to fight back my tears at the same time.

"I'll be back shortly to answer any questions" He said quietly before exiting.

"I'm sorry, I'm so s-sorry"

I held onto the back of her head rocking us both "It's not your fault" She continued to cry and her shakes became more evident "Mira, hey..look at me"

She looked away removing herself from my grasp.

"Give us a second Odell let me talk to her, get some fresh air"

I sighed running my hands through my hair "Okay"

I went outside shoving my hands into my pockets and got into my car "Fuck man" I hit the sterling wheel "Fuck fuck fuck!"


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