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"Hey mama" Mira spoke into her phone quickly exiting the room being careful not to wake up a sleeping Justine.

"Hey baby, I haven't heard from you in a while how's school?"

Mira played with a strand of her hair while she leaned against the wall "It's alright I guess"

"You guess? Mira if you need to talk to me about something you can because you sound unsure"

Mira sighs, she's very open with her mother and never hesitates on spewing out her feelings. But there are a few subjects she wasn't up for telling especially the one concerning her "relationship" with Odell, she spent a while trying to convince herself that the feelings weren't there but at this point she couldn't really hide it. She liked him, she didn't intend to but being intimate with someone consistently it was bound to happen.

Even if Mira wanted to tell her mother the run down, she couldn't without it crossing over to another subject which was her virginity. Mira's mother didn't know she wasn't a virgin anymore, that all flew out the window with Lucas. They've always talked about her waiting until marriage, or at least speaking to each other if she felt she was ready sooner. Mira couldn't bear to tell her mother she was no longer a virgin because she'd be flat out disappointed that she hasn't came to her first.


"Everything's fine mama, dancing is just taking up a lot of my time I'm sorry"

"Okay well...just try to shoot me a text every now and then. I heard on the news a lot of black women and children have been going missing lately, don't go out alone past seven alright? Have someone with you"

"Yes ma'am" Mira speaks as Odell walked towards where she stood.

"Alright I'll let you go now, stay safe"

"Okay, love you bye" Mira said before hanging up.

"Who's that?" Odell asked.

Mira glanced at him before clicking her phone off "My mama"

He nodded "Where's Justine at?"

"She's in there sleeping, she cried all night"

Odell huffed running his hands through his hair "Damn, can I go in?"

Mira opens the door walking in first and he followed behind walking over to Justine. He ran his hands through her hair then kissed her forehead. She stirred a little bit before opening her eyes "Dell"

"Hey sis, you okay?"

While the two privately talked Mira grabbed her backpack and laptop then slipped on her shoes. She was already dressed so the only thing she needed to do was head out of the door, she texted Keith earlier to let him know she was free to work on the project so she was about to make her way over there.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm about to go work on my project are you guys going to be good here?"

"I'm about to leave anyway so she can rest, bye Jus" Odell said giving her a tight hug "Block that niggas number and tell me if he tries bothering you"

"Okay" She mumbled sheepishly shoving her face into the cotton pillow.

Odell followed Mira out the door locking it behind him "When you think you're going to be done working on that project?"

Mira checked the time on her phone that read 12:32 pm, "Um, probably around 4:30 why?"

"I got these two tickets to the State Fair and no one else is free so..."

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