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"Does this look okay?" Mira asks stepping out of her bathroom standing in front of Justine who was already ready to go and helping her find something to wear.

"Hmm spin"

Mira playfully rolls her eyes doing a small spin "Girl that booty stupid fat!"

Mira burst into laughter "Oh my god leave my small booty alone"

"You cute girl you cute"

Mira nodded looking at herself through the full body mirror by her bed. "Thank you"

"You bout ready now?"

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"You bout ready now?"

"Yeah I am, let me grab my dorm keys and phone right quick"

The two girls walked to the party since it was at a house only a couple blocks down. It wasn't all that dark yet so they didn't feel unsafe. "Is this the place?" Mira asks as they arrive at a medium sized house, it looked well put together and not some rachet place she was expecting.

"Sure is, same house every year" Justine says while pulling out her phone "Can we wait till my boyfriend and brother get here? Niggas in there get reckless and I'm not in the mood for it today"

"Oh yeah sure I don't mind"

She calls Chris asking for his wherabouts and he claims they'll be there in no longer than five minutes. After patiently waiting Justine finally spots the two boys as they walk in their direction. Chris embraces Justine kissing her on the cheek wrapping his arms around her.

"Babe this is my friend Mira, Mira this is Chris, and this is Odell my brother, Dell this is Mira" Justine smiles introducing everyone.

Chris nods his head at Mira and she politely waves back while avoiding eye contact with Odell it was awkward to her that him and Justine were siblings and she had no clue about it. Chris and Justine ended up heading inside and Mira turned to follow but was pulled back softly by her arm, he licks his lips "You ain't gonna acknowledge me?"

 Chris and Justine ended up heading inside and Mira turned to follow but was pulled back softly by her arm, he licks his lips "You ain't gonna acknowledge me?"

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"Um hey" She looks around at anything but him, he made her nervous and he could feel that energy off of her.

Grabbing her chin he directed her face to look at his "I    prefer it if people look at me when they speaking"

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