•fifty three•

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"Someone's excited to be at G-Ma's huh" Mrs.Heather cooed pinching Olivia's chubby cheeks gently causing her to squirm and laugh uncontrollably.

Heather cooed pinching Olivia's chubby cheeks gently causing her to squirm and laugh uncontrollably

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"Thank you again for keeping her for the night Mrs.Heather" Mira said as she placed the baby bag by the couch "I'll be sure to get her first thing in the morning"

She shook her head waving her hand "It's nothing I missed this little one anyway you have good time tonight okay"

"Yes ma'am. Hopefully everything falls through how I planned. I can't take him being mad at me much longer I know I hurt him but it wasn't intentional."

"Don't beat yourself up Odell is a big baby he just misses you" She explained.

     When Mira left Mrs.Heathers house she made the twenty minute drive back to her and Odell's home. It was early in the day so when she arrived home Odell was still at the gym which gave her ample amount of time to find something to wear for the day.

     She decided not to waste her time on some extravagant boring dinner but something they'd both truly enjoy and spend actual quality time together. The more days that Odell went without speaking to her the more she realized how her actions affected him. The wedding did take up most of her time and Olivia took up any spare time she did have. She unknowingly forgot to make some time for her fiancé, she was so used to him being busy with training and games that it rarely crossed her mind.

     Stepping into her walk-in closet she looked through her hangers of clothes before deciding on a pair of tan colored leggings, a black graphic t-shirt that was Odell's but fit him too small, and a matching pair of Balenciagas. Once fully dressed she placed on a couple of gold bracelets and a gold chain Odell had gotten her a while back.

Mira then sat at her vanity ready to start her makeup when she heard the front door open. She waited for Odell to make his way up to the room before standing back up. "Hey babe" She greeted.

He placed his gym bag on the ground and looked over at her "Wassup..where you going"

Mira then made her way over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck "I know you've been upset with me these past couple of days so I planned us some stuff to do today. Please say yes because I can't take you ignoring me anymore" She pouted. "All you need to do is shower and wear something casual."

"My baby coming?" He questioned.

Mira shook her head no batting her eyelashes at him "She's with your mom for the night"

He looked down at her before nodding "Aight, give me thirty minutes"

"Okay" She agreed "Can I get a kiss before you go to seal the deal"

He chuckled shaking his head then lowered down to her level to peck and bite on her bottom lip then slowly pulled away "That's all you get for now love" He smirked before walking into the bathroom.

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