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Odell's eyes fluttered open due to the sunlight from his window creeping in. He groaned turning to his side spotting no one other than Mira peacefully asleep, his blue sheets were wrapped around her slim frame and her hair laid wildly across the pillow.

He bit his lip reminiscing the night before...

"Ahhh, my god" Mira whimpered as he pushed her  legs back to where her toes touched the headboard, the feeling of him sliding in and out of her at a fast pace was too much for her to pleasurably handle so she placed her hands on his lower stomach to slow him down. "S-slow do-oown, fuck"

Smirking Odell laid his head in the crook of her neck grunting and whispering things in her ear, biting her lip Mira dug her sharp nails into his back. "Mmmm" she hummed as he flipped her onto her side placing her left leg onto to his shoulder.

He re entered her slowing down his strokes and going deeper in an attempt to find her spot. Her mouth hung open not releasing a sound and her eyes became low, "I can't hear you baybeh, let it out" He grunted caressing her thigh.

She screamed in pleasure gripping the sheets as he found her G-spot, continuously hitting it which brought Mira to tears. "Dell please.."

"Dell please what?" He asked.

"Don't stop" She begged grabbing his wrist for support as she felt herself leaning off the bed.

And that was just round three after everyone had left his house. No one heard the two because Mira started off quiet but as time progressed she couldn't contain her moans and crys. Getting up from the bed Odell slipped on his boxers and made his way to the bathroom connected to his room.

Grabbing his toothbrush he quickly brushed his teeth and washed his face. Once he was done he walked back into his room where Mira was now fully awake and had Odell's shirt on, she was gathering her things preparing to leave.

"Where you going?" He asked grabbing her waist.

"Uh I got practice in a few hours, so I should go" She mumbled pulling away searching the floor for her panties which she couldn't seem to find. Odell walked
over to his drawer grabbing a pair of clean boxers handing them to her. "Thank you" She said slipping them on.

"You really gotta go?" He asked pulling her close and grabbing her ass.

She blushed pushing him off "Yes I do"

"Aight lemme walk you out"

Nodding she grabbed her phone and followed him to the door they exchanged a quick hug before she walked out. He waited until she pulled out of his complex before shutting the door and making his way back to his room so could clean up a little.

Walking over to the bed to remove the sheets he came across a neon purple thong, smirking he took a picture and sent it in a group chat with some of the football team consisting Chris and Jarvis and Rodney.

Wild Night 😛💦 (One image attachment)

Jarv💯: yoooo with who? 👀

Chris😈: nigggaa don't tell me....


Jarv💯: you know sumn I don't Chris? 👀🤔

Chris😈: I might🤔, you fuck Mira bro?

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