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I made a little video that correlates to this chapter


Slipping on a T-shirt and pair of leggings I grabbed my book bag and phone making my way out my dorm. The last two days for me have been rough, first I find out the boy I like has someone else and then I end up having to beat that someone else's ass which could've all been avoided if Odell wasn't so stupid.

Though I called my mother last night I couldn't bring myself to open up to her about what was wrong. I didn't want her to know I was messing around with someone I wasn't in a relationship with she expected way more of me than that, for heavens sake she believes I'm still a virgin.

The thing about my mother I love the most is even if she doesn't know what's the issue with me she always finds a way to still comfort me until I'm ready to open up and talk.

But despite all that, I still had a project to do so I was currently heading to meet Kieth at his dorm. I'm going to try to forget all about Odell and his drama so I can get the project finished, it's due later this week and I don't have time for distractions.

Making it to his dorm I knocked on the door and waited, "Hey" he greeted opening the door and letting me in.

"Hi" I slyly smiled.

"You ready to finish this up?" he asked leading me to the living room.

I nodded and took a seat on his couch "Mhm"

"Great, all we have left to do is finish this poster and film our short documentary"

"Okay, did you need help with the poster or?"

"I could use some help shading in the background "

I nod and sit next to him, grabbing a pencil I softly shaded on the areas he directed me, I felt his eyes on me the whole time but thought nothing of it.

"Do you mind going into the kitchen and getting the black folder on the counter top? It has the essay in there."

"Sure" I stood up walking to the kitchen immediately spotting the folder, I reach to grab it and it ends up slipping out of my hands and onto the floor "Shit" I mumble crouching down to pick up all the papers that spilled out.

As I'm scrambling to put everything back into the folder I come across a few drawings at the bottom of the mess. I furrowed my eyebrows picking them up and examining them..they all looked like me and photos I've posted on Instagram recently.

"You find it?" He called out.

I quickly grabbed all the papers and went back into the living room. "Yeah I found it...and these too" I stated placing the pictures of me in front of him. "You drew me?" I ask.

"Damn, this is embarrassing" He lowly chuckles with his face turning a crimson red. "Yeah I did"

"What for?" I questioned.

"It's just that...you're gorgeous and I found myself sketching you one day"

you're gorgeous and I found myself sketching you one day"

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