•twenty seven•

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"You did this the last time we went to a carnival" Mira frowned "You're supposed to let me win"

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"You did this the last time we went to a carnival" Mira frowned "You're supposed to let me win"

"You gon work for this win, I aint letting up" He smirked shooting more and more balls into his basket, while my balls just kept hitting the rim.

When the timer read zero, the score board read thirty one to twelve.  "It's okay baby you can have my prize" Odell laughed.

Mira rolled her eyes pouting "I'm not playing anymore games with you, you're a cheater"

"Don't be a sore loser" He threw his arm over my shoulder giving me the purple bear to hold. "You hungry yet?"

Mira nodded "Yeah but I don't want any of this food, can we ride the Ferris Wheel then find something?"

"Sounds like a plan"

After waiting in the exhausting line and Mira complaining about her feet hurting the two finally made it on the ride. "New York is so beautiful" Mira gawked.

"It is..it took me a while to get used to the people but I like it here, it's just one thing it's missing"


"You." He turned to look at her.

Mira's cheeks turned red "Odell we talked about this..its too soon for me to be thinking about moving down here. I don't have my career together, we're not official, mon—"

"I can make all that happen for you Mira, you don't need to worry about shit."

"That's the point!" She unexpectedly snapped "I'm sorry, I don't mean to yell but I don't want you to give me these things I want to earn it myself"

"Are you happy in Louisiana? Honestly tell me cause if you are I'll leave the subject alone. I won't make you go somewhere you're not comfortable"

Mira sighed "It gets lonely but I'm making it, maybe in a few months—"

"A few months.."

"Odell I don't want to rush this and you're moving too fast for me. It's not like I don't want to come here Id love to just not now."

"A year is too fast Mira?"

"Just forget it okay, we were having a good time we can talk about this later"

Odell sighed "I just don't know how we can ever work if you're there and I'm here."

"So what are you saying?" Mira said crossing her arms.

"I'm not saying anything"

"Odell if you want freedom you can have it, you don't need to wait on me I understand"

"Now you putting words in my mouth, I AINT say all that"

"Well you implied it"

Odell shook his head "Whatever man"

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