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"The hell happened man?" Odell asked jogging over to Sterling who was sitting in the waiting area, Mira was not too far behind with a sleeping Olivia laying on her chest.

Sterling shook his head placing it into his hands "She just fucking snapped—I tried to stop her bu—"

Odell interrupted him getting nervous "The hell did she do?"

Sterling cleared his throat sitting up straight "Well she's been doing better for herself these past few months so I decided to take her out since she's always in the apartment" He started "I take her to dinner and we enjoy our night but when we're on our way back to the car fucking Camryn pops up."

Odell mentally sighed not saying anything so he could continue, Mira took a seat by Sterling rubbing his shoulder to calm him down when she noticed he was becoming angry.

"At first it was just awkward and everyone was calm until Camryn started popping off at the mouth..and I never told yall this before but a long ass time ago I kissed her" He confessed.

"You what?" Mira asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"I swear to y'all it was before I even met Justine, matter fact it was before she even started working for the Giants at all but I can explain all that later."

Odell nodded, he wanted to know more about the so called kiss but whatever Justine did was more important and Mira felt the same way. "Uk okay, continue?" She spoke.

"So Justine starts going off on me not letting me explain all that shit, meanwhile Camryn is just setting fuel to the fire saying stupid shit" He says "And you know if Justine feels attacked she's not going to be quiet so she started to clap back then..then Camryn spit on her"

"Spit?" Odell asked for confirmation in disgust.

"Yeah man, directly on her face" He groaned "I ain't no dummy I knew what was going to happen after that but my response was too late, next thing I know Justine is literally slamming the girls head on the concrete"

"Oh shit..is she good?"

"Nigga I really don't know, she wouldn't stop and the girl was already knocked out..there was blood everywhere but she kept going" He sighed "Fuck bruh, if that girl die.."

Odell cursed himself biting at his finger nails "Okay look, we gon worry about that later. Did they say how much her bond is?"

"That's the thing, the judge has to set an amount and the next time he's here is tomorrow morning so they said she's got to stay the night."

"Damn" Mira mumbled "Was anyone else there?"

Sterling nodded "At first no, but once they started fighting a crowd started to form so I know for sure a video is going to be on theshaderoom..probably already there to be honest."

"That's the least of my worries. I just can't imagine my little sister in jail man..she ain't no pussy but she for sure ain't made for jail" Odell said lowly rubbing his eyes.

"Don't stress it yall ..let's just pray this bitch isn't dead then maybe we can convince her to not press charges" Mira stated "If she does..we're just going to have to get Justine the best lawyer there is..this would be her first offense anyway I'm sure she could get off with just probation or something right?"

"I don't think it's that simple Mira" Sterling said "She dead ass bashed this girls head in..they gon fight for attempted murder."

"Fuck!" Odell bursted out standing from his seat kicking the chair over, Olivia jumped out of her sleep from the commotion and began to wail and cry from being woken up.

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