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Christmas Eve

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Christmas Eve

It had been a few weeks since the Camryn dilemma and Mira could admit that she and Odell were now finally at a better place. It took some time and a lot of making up on Odell's part but everything seemed to be good for now.

It's Christmas Eve and Odell was on his way back from a game and would be coming home by the morning hopefully. Mira had done some last minute shopping and decided to decorate the place. Odell was always busy with football and she started picking up extra shifts at the dance center so neither had time to do anything with the apartment.

Mira wasn't a festive person anyways so she didn't mind but after seeing Justine's decorations she was amazed and wanted to participate.

Plus she felt with everything that went on prior she needed something filled with joy surrounding her so the apartment now screamed Christmas.

Odell had wanted to go back home to see his family but since he had a game him and Mira both decided that New Years would be a more suitable time to visit.

Placing the last wrapped gift under the tree Mira was finished. She smiled at her work, she had a big white tree filled with ornaments and gifts for Odell beneath them..she didn't bother putting the ones he got for her under there because then he'd know that she found his hiding spot and may have looked at a couple presents early. Besides that she had string lights on the walls and little silly decorations on the counters and and shelf's.

Yawning she walked into the kitchen fixing her self some hot chocolate and taking the cookies she baked not to long ago out of the oven. She placed two chocolate chip cookies on a paper towel and grabbed her mug before heading back into the living area.

Mira put her small snack on the coffee table then turned the lights off creating a dimly lit setting thanks to the string lights.

She scrolled through her phone while eating her cookie everyone had finally stopped talking about her miscarriage and the fight on social media, they were now talking about a new Ariana Grande video.

She was thankful it ran its course and blew over because having her personal business out in the spotlight was not something she would ever get used to.

Mira is aware that being with Odell things like that will happen but this situation was way to personal for her not to be annoyed about and she could thank Carmen for that.

Feeling her eyes closing by themselves due to the warm hot chocolate she put the mug down and laid on her side.

She was on the couch because she was going to wait up for Odell but all the shopping and decorating had completely wiped her out. Mira had checked a few more apps and replied to some messages before unwillingly falling asleep.

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