•twenty one•

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three weeks later


It was the day of the championship game and Justine and I were out at the mall shopping since we really haven't been hanging out the past three weeks besides practice.  "So what've you been up too?" I ask.

She shrugged looking through a rack of dresses "Nothing really, school just really caught up to me..you know with finals and all.."

I nod not really believing her, I mean she could be telling the truth but ever since the day Chris showed up to our practice she's been distant. If she was seeing him again I'd honestly be shocked because he had put her through hell and back the last few months I've known her. "Is this cute?" She asked holding up a black spaghetti dress that looked to be body fitting.

"I like it..it's a little too simple though, try finding something white"

"You're right" She placed the dress back onto the rack and continued to look through.

I picked out a pink dress and put it to my body to see if I liked it."Can I ask you something?"

"If it's about if you should get that dress or not, don't" She states, I erupted in laughter and shook my head

"Girl no"

She laughed "Alright ask away."

"It's none of my business or anything but are you and Chris back together?"

It was silent before she turned to look at me "You're right, it's none of your business." She said walking over to a different rack.

"Justine wait!" I said following after her, "Sorry for asking..I-I just"

"Listen I came out here to hang out with you cause we haven't in a while. Not to talk about Chris, yes we communicate but we aren't together."

I placed a piece of hair behind my ear "I just don't want you to get hurt again."

"Trust me I'm fine. I just don't need rumors going around and Odell finding out"

I turned my head to her "You know I'd never say anything about you"

"I know that, but someone is always listening and I don't want the wrong person to hear whatever we're discussing"

"You're right. I won't bring it up again" I said not wanting to meddle anymore. It was clear she didn't want me to know whatever was going on between them and I couldn't change that.

We continued to shop until we finally both found an outfit. "I swear I better not have bought this expensive ass dress for nothing" I mumbled unlocking my car so we could get in.

"You ain't say nun but a word, I haven't been to a party in sooo long"

"Girl we was just at a party for the football team a few weeks ago.."

"Weeks girl weeks"

I shook my head and started the car driving in the direction of the school which was about twenty minutes away from the mall.

"Sooo how are you and Kieth?"

I wanted to be petty and say the same thing she told me when I asked about Chris but our situations were different. "We're good he's the sweetest"

"Have y'all..you know?"

I shook my head no while turning left "No we're not pressed about that right now..I'm glad he isn't"

"So y'all haven't done one single thing"

"Nope..I mean we make out and get touchy but that's about it. We haven't been together that long so I'm not trying to rush into that, everything's going so good right now I don't want anything screwing it up"

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