•fourty one•

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"Mira we gon be late" I stressed as she searched through her closet. Her doctors appointment was set for nine am it was now 8:45 and we haven't left the house yet. I could admit that it was partially my fault because I didn't want to wake up, but now she was taking her sweet time getting dressed.

"Odell stop talking to me" She snapped slipping on some light washed jeans.

I sighed laying back on the bed, her attitude was on ten when I ain't even did shit to her ass. Everything was cool yesterday and then she woke up mad.

"I'm just letting you know" I said. "Now when they say we gotta reschedule..."

"Okay well maybe if you had woke your ass up the multiple times I told you, I wouldn't still be getting ready" She said "Get on my damn nerves."

She snatched a sweater off of the hanger and put it on, her makeup was already done so I was thankful for that.

She slipped on her uggs and grabbed her purse "Let's go"

I slightly rolled my eyes following behind her outside to the parking lot

I started the car once we got inside and took off, I set an appointment with the real estate agent at 10:30 so I wanted to get to the clinic as soon as possible.

I started the car  once we got inside and took off, I set an appointment with the real estate agent at 10:30 so I wanted to get to the clinic as soon as possible

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"You hungry?"

She nodded scrolling through her phone.

"What you want?"

She shrugged not saying anything.

I smacked my teeth and just pulled into a McDonald's driveway since it was nearby "Hi welcome to McDonald's what can I get for you today?"

"Um yeah can I get two breakfast platters—everything on it"

"Sure. What to drink?"

I looked over at Mira "Water and orange juice"

"Coffee, orange juice, and a small cup of water"

"Yes sir. Anything else?"

"I want a McGriddle too" Mira spoke.

"A McGriddle and that will be all."

"That will be $15.21 at the next window thank you."

I drove up and took out my wallet to pay, I grabbed a twenty and waited for the lady to come up. Once she did she repeated my order and I gave her the bill.

"You're order w-will be ready in a f-few moments Mr.Beckham" The young girl said.

I smiled as she gave me my change "Thank you."

"Um I know this might be unprofessional but would you mind if I just take a quick selfie with you?"

"Yeah sure go ahead"

mamas angel |Odell Beckham| Where stories live. Discover now