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"Soooo how was it last night?" Justine asked popping a french fry into her mouth.

Mira and Justine both decided to grab a bite to eat at a old school burger joint called Scooby's after a long and painful practice.

The last football game before playoffs was coming up in about two weeks so coach D had a special choreographed routine that the girls would perform on the field during halftime, with that being said she was having them at practice everyday for  five hours minimum a day.

Mira shrugged taking a big bite out of her bacon burger. "It was fun..I enjoyed his company"

Justine rolled her eyes "Really that's all you have to say it was fun what did y'all do"

"Girl nothing, we just went to the poetry slam and he read a poem of his own then he took me home"

"I can't with you, I bet that boy was throwing all types of hints"

Mira laughed "Would you stop it he wasn't"

"I know he's feeling you"

"He is not"

"Yes he is bitch" Justine argued taking a sip of her iced water.

"How would you know? You've never met or spoke to him"

"I can feel it...I can see that shit, Raven Baxter hoe" She said causing them both to laugh.

"You're too damn much" Mira said as her laughter subsided

"Wouldn't be me, if i wasn't" Justine said as her laugher subsided, sticking her tongue out.. "But anyways aside from that...I have some tea for you"

Becoming interested Mira stopped eating and wiped any crumbs off of her face giving Justine her full attention. "About?"

"Well..according to Kiyannas snapchat, her and Odell are back together"

Mira looked at Justine for a moment to see if she was joking "You're not serious are you?"

"I am look" Justine grabbed and unlocked her phone, tapping on Kiyannas recent snapchat story showing Mira the picture.

It was of Odell kissing the top of Kiyanna's forehead the caption saying No bitch can ever break us apart ❤️

Looking away from the picture Mira chuckled to herself "Damn that bitch is a cluck..she really took him back? When that shit just went down not even a whole week ago, shit is sad"

"They're confusing" Justine says placing her phone on the table, "I can tell Odell is over the whole relationship but his soft spot for her is too strong"

Mira simply rolled her eyes going back to eating her food "That nigga is a fucking clown...all at my place telling me he wants me, but gets back with her in the next couple of days? I know that's your brother and all and I'm sorry but he ain't shit"

"No offense taken"

Mira quietly ate her food, trying her hardest not to cry the remaining of lunch. She hated that he was making her feel this way when they've only known each other for a matter of months and she hated that she's spent the last few nights crying over him.

"You okay Mi? I'm sorry for bringing it up." Justine asked, concerned about Mira sudden shift in her demeanor.

"Yeah girl I'm fine, just ready to go home and sleep"

Justine nodded understanding before going back to her food. When they finished eating Mira dropped Justine off on her side of the dorms since they had rode together. Once she made it to her own place, she put her leftover drink from Scooby's in the refrigerator then hoped in the shower. She washed up her body and her hair since Justine was gonna install some weave in the next day.

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