•twenty four•

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"Mommy I missed you" I cooed as she wrapped me in her arms.

"My angel, I missed you so much. You don't have time for your mama no more" She said in her thick accent pulling me inside the house.

I dropped my small duffel bag by the door.

"Your staying?" She gleamed.

"That's not true mama, and just for the weekend I'm leaving Sunday night"

She smiled hugging me again "You don't understand how lonely it's been in this house without you..I haven't spoken to your father in a while" she frowned.

I discreetly rolled my eyes, I loved my dad and all but he promised my mother he'd retire from the army once I set off to college so she wouldn't be alone and he failed to do that.  Every time he calls it's always soon or they need me he doesn't realize that so do we.

"I don't want to talk about Daddy mama" I sighed.

She opened her mouth to say something but didn't, she just turned to walk to the kitchen "I've been cooking all morning, lunch is almost ready are you hungry?"

I nodded "Very"

"Figures, come get you a plate with your skinny self"

"Can't help what my mama gave me" I smirked.

"Please" She laughed while fixing my plate.

I thanked her when she finished and sat down at the table wasting no time. There is nothing like a home cooked meal and I hadn't had one in a while.

"Jesus, Mira your plate isn't going anywhere slow down"

"Sorry" I giggled swallowing.

I walked to the fridge grabbing a water bottle before sitting back down, I took a swig clearing my palette before continuing my meal.

After we finished eating in a comfortable silence we began washing all the dishes she had used. I didn't mind it all because one living in a dorm I hadn't wash dishes in a while and two it was relaxing in a way.

"Sweetheart you're so quiet" My mom said drying off a plate while I rinsed another.

"I'm just focused I guess"I slyly smiled adding more soap to my sponge.


"Hmm" I hummed paying attention to the dishes before me.

"Look at me" She grabbed my chin softly "Are you okay?"

Hearing those three words Are you Okay coming from my mom made reality set in for me. Everything I was dealing with at LSU wasn't a dream or a joke like I wished it was. Mentally I was broken, I did the one thing my mom asked me not to do before she left me own my own. Get distracted by boys.

Now here I am stuck in the middle of two guys.

My bottom lip trembled before I just burst into tears.

My mom eyes widened "Oh no, what's the matter?" I sobbed trying to speak but it all just sounded like gibberish "Baby slow down. Come sit"

She grabbed my hand pulling me into the living room where I took a seat on the couch. "Sweetheart what's going on"

I wanted to explain everything to her so bad but my cries were uncontrollable so I couldn't get anything out, she just pulled me into her arms and let me cry into her chest for hours until I fell asleep.

mamas angel |Odell Beckham| Where stories live. Discover now