•Thirty nine•

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It had been over a week and I still have had no contact with Odell, I wasn't going to chase after his ass so I let him be. But now I was more than positive that I may be pregnant.

I bought a couple of tests from the store but I couldn't bring myself to take them yet. No matter how mad I was at Odell I wanted to be with him when I took it. I spent all morning throwing up not being able to keep any food down and decided it was time to just take the tests.

So I got Sterling's address from Justine and was currently on my way there. I wanted the results out of the way so I could start setting up doctors appointments and get the appropriate pre-natal care if was were to be.

When I made it to the complex I placed my coat on before leaving my car. I walked up the flight of steps then banged on the door.

A few moments later the door opened and I was face to face with Sterling.

"Woah Mira.." He said "What you need?"

I rolled my eyes "I know he's here. Let me in."

"I don't know what you're tal—"

I pushed passed him with the plastic bag in hand, I walked further into the apartment and walked into the room I believed was the guest room with Sterling hot on my tail.

Odell was there on the bed working on his laptop, he looked at me then over at Sterling.

"Look she forced her way in" Sterling defended with his hands up.

"It's aight" Odell sighed closing his MacBook.

Sterling backed out of the room closing the door behind him.

"Why you here Mira?" He asked.

"We haven't seen each other in a week and that's what I get?" I scoffed, I wasn't digging his attitude at all. He was the one that fucked up not me and it's always been like that. "This is why I'm here" I tossed the bag on the bed his eyes widened once he took it and saw two boxes of pregnancy tests.

"You..you're pregnant?"

"If I knew that why would I buy a test?" She remarked "I've been having symptoms so I wanted to be sure. I want to punch you so bad right now but you deserve to know this way and not through a text you  probably wouldn't answer to."


"Don't want to hear it" I took the tests back and walked into the bathroom and he followed behind me.

I read the instructions before taking both sticks out. I sat on the toilet and slipped down my leggings then peed on them both.

His eyes never left me but I didn't dare look at him back. Once I was finished I cleaned myself up then placed the test on the counter.

"We have to wait three minutes" I mumbled washing my hands.


"No you didn't wanna talk to me before so don't start now.."

He looked up at the ceiling licking his lips then back down on me "Baby" He grabbed my hand.

I snatched back "Please just stop."

He said nothing and gave me my personal space.

By the time the pregnancy tests were ready I was too scared to look at it. Deep down I believed I was but something in my head was telling me I was over thinking it and I wasn't it.

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