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Three months later in May


I was now five months into my pregnancy and to say I was happy would be an understatement I felt like I was walking on clouds really. My stomach had grew drastically, and honestly I thought it wouldn't have since my frame was so small, but the baby had other plans.

My baby shower is tomorrow and I'm excited but also nervous. We got the results of the gender when I was four months, but Justine had took some time off from planning to mourn and I just had to respect that and wait it out.

  The journey itself was going by very smoothly and Odell was right by my side. I expected things to go left once the Giants didn't make it into playoffs a few months back but he took it better than I expected.

Of course he was upset for a week or two but I reminded him that he had next year and then the year after that and so on to get there and he will.

Besides that, I was currently at the dance studio teaching a night class specifically for ladies. It was the first class I was teaching by myself and I was ready.

We were doing a slow sultry routine to the song would you mind by Janet Jackson. It didn't take long for the class to catch on to the moves because its an advanced class so I was thankful.

"Can you go over that beginning again before we go full out?" A girl in the back of the room questioned

I nodded "So you're going to sit in a squat and do any movements you want as long as it looks right, get into character and don't be shy."

"So if I wanted to drop into a split I could?" Another girl asked.

I laughed before nodding "Yes it's the beginning of the routine so do what you want but make sure you keep up with the counts so when we get into the choreography you're not too late or too early, everyone got that?"

Nods and yes's came from around the room "Okay, so I'm going to do it first then I'll split you all into groups to perform it then we should be done for the night. Elizabeth and Tracey can y'all join me" I asked the two assistants who sat in the corner. They knew the whole routine and would assist the other dancers when I was busy helping someone else.

Elizabeth started the music before taking her spot next to Tracey.

As soon as we finished the room erupted in claps and I smiled "Okay now it's y'all turn to shine ready?"

They all scattered around the studio to take their places and I stood back ready to play the music.


After the class was over I cleaned up the studio then filled out basic paperwork such as how many people attended the class and how much was made. This is how they kept track on how popular your classes were and once they were attended enough you were able to schedule your own classes and come up with your own themes whenever you liked.

I wasn't eager to achieve any of that though, I was here solely to make enough money to open my own studio where everything will be under me. It will take time but I don't  want to rush into anything anyway.

I placed all my completed forms on Sean's desks before clocking out and leaving. I rushed to my car and got in since it was still fairly cold outside. The month was May  but it was still chilly in New York around nightfall.

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