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I'm on some new shit, I'm chuckin' my deuces up to her....I'm moving on to something better, better, better.

No more tryna make it work



Tapping my pencil against the desk I stared into space in boredom not listening to a word my statistics professor was saying

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Tapping my pencil against the desk I stared into space in boredom not listening to a word my statistics professor was saying. He was literally reading from the textbook so it wasn't like I was missing out on anything, I'd just read the book at home.

Pulling my phone out from my jean shorts pocket I shot Keith a text hopping he'd reply.

Wyd? 🙃
Delivered 12:25 pm

Honey🔐💞: I'm in economics studying, wassup?
Sent 12:30pm

I'm bored 😪
Delivered 12:31 Pm

Honey🔐💞: Wya?
Sent 12:31 pm

Delivered 12:32pm

Honey🔐💞: If you don't pay attention!! Lol.
Sent 12:33 pm

Delivered 12:35 pm

Honey🔐💞: I got sum for you after class, pay attention love. ❤️
Sent 12:35 Pm

I slightly smiled locking my phone and focusing on the professor. Another twenty minutes passed and class was over. I  grabbed my stuff and walked out and across the hall to Keith's class.

I waited by the door while he slung his backpack over his shoulder and grabbed his textbook. He smiled once he noticed me and walked over giving me a hug "You smell good" he complimented with his nose nuzzled in my t-shirt

"Thank you" I giggled pushing him back so we could walk out. "Now where's my gift?" I question.

"Gift?" he raised and eyebrow "What gift?"

I frowned pushing his shoulder "Keith you said you had something for me"

"I'm just joking with you crybaby, it's in my truck come on"

I instantly perked up grabbing his hand while he led the way, making it outdoors we walked out to the parking lot. The sun was in full effect blazing down on everyone, I was glad I had decided to wear shorts today and not leggings like usual.

Helping me into the large truck he got in as well cutting on the AC to cool us off from the heat. This weather had me craving some shaved ice or ice cream anything sweet and cold.

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