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Mira sighed laying her head on Justine's thigh as they laid in her bed watching movies, Mira wasn't really watching she was completely zoned out; thinking about everything that went down the past couple of days.

"Mi you okay?" Justine asked running her hands through Mira's hair.


"Do you want to talk about what happened? Because I'm still out of the loop"

Mira nodded, "Well I guess I could start from the beginning"

"That's prolly a good start" Justine joked.

"Odell and I started off as really good friends nothing unusual, and it was like that for a while before one night he initiated for something to happen and I—I-"

"Take your time" Justine said now rubbing her back soothingly.

Mira took a small breath trying to refrain from crying "I went along with it, and after that it was just something we causally did as friends and neither of us thought nothing about it. But it was around 2 months after that when I started growing attached I really...I really caught feelings for him."

"Were you a virgin?" Justine sighed already feeling ready to knock her brother upside the head. She loved him to death but he was known to make stupid decisions.

"No" Mira said "I lost it to my ex-boyfriend the summer before school started...remember I told you about him when we first met?"

Justine looked up pondering "Um.. yeah! I remember"

"Yeah well, I thought that he was the one I could trust and give my all too so I let him have it" She sniffed "Then that summer before I came here he broke up with me because he said he couldn't handle the distance and I believed him. But he's a liar, because I found out he had a got a new girlfriend and on her Instagram page there were pictures of him and her from way back to when we were still dating" Mira said "He left me for her and didn't even have the balls to tell me the truth."

Justine nodded letting her know she was listening "I guess that's one of the reasons why I continued to have sex with Odell because I needed something to fill that empty void..but in the back of my mind I knew it was wrong"

"Did you know about Kiyanna"

"Of course not! If I did, I wouldve have never let Odell overstep that friendship boundary at all." Mira said "I'm just so hurt Justine, I really liked him I was going to tell him soon and then this 'girlfriend' comes out of nowhere" She sobbed. "I h-have n-never felt s-so played I r-really t-trusted him" Mira cried, now in full blown tears.

Justine engulfed Mira in a hug "I'm so sorry girl, my brother can really be a fucking dumbass sometimes. I promise you if I knew you and Odell where doing what y'all were doing & I had found out about him and Kiyanna getting back together I would have told you"

" I know you would have  I just didn't t-think to tell you b-because that is your brother"

Justine nodded understanding, "I love you Mira, you're gonna get past this okay? Things are gonna work out."

Mira sighed finding that hard to believe, it seemed like every time she let herself be vulnerable around a guy they fucked her over.

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