Chapter 3

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Percy's POV

I was walking near the park to clear my head of any thoughts about Annabeth when I thought I saw her walking hand-in-hand with this guy. Maybe the thoughts are messing with my vision. So, I walked back home.

:time skip:

It was the first day of school and I was kind of scared. What if nobody likes me and everyone thinks I'm a loser? I'm exaggerating aren't I? Anyways, I walked through the door and I was instantly in everyone's vision. I watched as the "populars" rated me, the sluts checking me out, and "nerds" cowering from me. I walked to the office and they told me they would have a person show me around, since I wasn't here for the orientation. They called in "Samantha." and she walked in a few moments later. She was pretty, with wavy black hair, dark brown eyes, and light freckles but I still thought of Annabeth.

"So, are you the new kid I'm supposed to show around?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm Percy by the way." I said, holding out my hand.

"Samantha." She said shaking my hand.

We walked around the school and she told me about all the drama and stuff like that.

"Annabeth," she said, "she's dating a senior named Luke."

I perked up. "As in Annabeth Chase?"

"I don't know her last name, maybe, do you know her?"

"It's not important right now." I replied, a little down.

I walked to first period and on my way there I saw a girl with blond curls kissing some guy with blond hair. Of course I didn't want to pay attention, but the girl looked familiar. I shook my head and headed to class.

(Time skip)

"Last period," I thought, "I can make it through."

I had Greek for last period because Greek always appealed to me. I could speak it fluently after Annabeth and I both learned it when we were little. I was thinking about her when they did roll call. I usually don't pay attention but I did once the teacher called out, "Annabeth Chase?"

"Here." A angelic voice called out in the front.

Then, I saw her. My best friend for 5 years, crush for 4. Annabeth was sitting in the front and when my name was called she turned around and caught her breath.

"Annabeth, do you recognize Mr. Jackson?"

"Yeah, I knew him since I was 12. What are you doing here? I thought you were in New York."

"I was, for a year, then I got adopted and moved here." I replied, marveling at her beauty. I had almost forgotten how pretty she was.

"Okay... Let's get on with the lesson. Does anyone here know Greek?"

Annabeth and I raised our hands and smirked at each other.

"Care to demonstrate?" The teacher asked.

We stood up and I started talking first.

(Annabeth= bold)
(Percy= Italics)

How are you?

Pretty good, you?

Not bad.

I'm sorry about your mom by the way. I heard from the doctor a while back.

Ya, I'm sorry to hear about you dad too.

Well we shouldn't act all depressed or everyone's gonna think something's up.

Haha ya.

The teacher looked at us in amazement. "Thanks for demonstrating, we will now have a pop quiz and when you're done, you can leave."

Annabeth and I finished and we walked out of the classroom 5 minutes later, talking and laughing.

When the bell rang, Annabeth looked up and searched through the crowd, looking for someone.

"Luke! Over here!" She yelled.

'Luke' walked over and kissed Annabeth. I cringed a little.

"Come on, Annabeth. We have to go."

"Can I talk with Percy a little longer?"

"Fine but only for another 5 minutes and we have to leave!" Luke said.

When he walked off, Annabeth and I started talking about college, how life's been, and so on. About five minutes later, Luke returned just returning from a call from the looks of his phone in his hand and told Annabeth that they were leaving. I was sad because I knew that Annabeth and I won't get too much time to talk alone like that a lot. Annabeth must have seen my face because she protested, wanting 1 more minute.


Annabeth flinched, as if this was new to her.

"I'm sorry, I've just had a bad day." Luke said softer.

"Bye, Percy." Annabeth said, and she walked off with Luke.

Hi! Thanks for reading my story. Um, that's all I need to say. Bye!

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