Chapter 6

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It was lunch and I looked around for Rachel. Spotting her walking out of the classroom, I ran up to her and dragged her towards my table with Annabeth. Thankfully, Luke had a different lunch period. I would've have to worry about his actions at lunch and got to be carefree. Well, that's what usually happened. Today, wasn't usual. Luke's teacher was running late and they had my period lunch. I saw him sitting next to Annabeth, his arm around her shoulders. I stared at them in envy but changed my expression as I felt Luke's eyes on me. I smiled and started talking to Rachel. We laughed and the entire lunch, I ignored Annabeth. I felt physical pain when I saw her and Luke laughing or kissing. A little lurch in my heart that kills me. I closed my eyes a little, trying to put Annabeth aside and focus on Rachel, but nothing worked. My thoughts kept drifting to Annabeth. Was her blond hair always that curly? Why did her eyes match perfectly with her hair color? Why am I thinking these thing? That's when I realized. I didn't just like Annabeth, I loved her. Before dating, I love someone who's dating someone else. I'm feeling the pain of a breakup, the pain of love. I was attracted to Rachel because I thought I could fix myself by using her. I felt bad and, after a long debate, told Rachel my problems. She looked bummed but still happy for me that I had found love. Even if she might not return it. She told me that I could come to her for help anytime. I thanked her and we headed to class.

I am so sorry this is so short and it's been like 5 months or so since I've updated. SORRY!!!

Published: December 19, 2016

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