Chapter 26

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Annabeth's POV

That came hard. It made my burning passion of hate for Luke stronger. I've missed so many opportunities because of him. He was the reason for everything.

People say don't blame others for your own problems, but what is another is threatening you?


I walked out of my dorm room. Luke is with his friends and allowed me a free day. I planned on walking through the campus and just exploring.

As I was coming out of my building, I ran into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't see you." She apologized.

"It's fine, really. I should've been looking too. I should go now. Sorry for running into you." I replied, trying to get out of this conversation quicker. I took one step before I was stopped by the girl.

"You're Annabeth right? Percy's old friend."


"What happened between you guys? From what I've heard from Percy, it wasn't a fight and you guys seemed really close."

"Personal reasons. I should really go."

"Where are you going?" She asked

I scanned my brain for places people usually don't enjoy with company.

"The library. I want to study."

"Oooo can I join you? I need some help with *insert universal subject here* and from what I've heard, you're the best person to help me."

She couldn't turn her down. Her eyes had a sense of hope and something about it made her agree.

"Yeah sure. Let's go."

It reminded her what hope was.

Ok so usually I would plan to publish 2 chapters whenever I upload, but it's late at night and I wanted to get a chapter out there because we hit 15K VIEWS YASSS THANKS GUYS I LITERALLY MADE THIS STORY AS I GO AND ITS HORRIFYING I KNOW BUT THANKS FOR STICKING WITH ME LOVE YOU GUYS <3

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