Chapter 8

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3rd person
The music could be heard by Percy five blocks away, which made him worry that the police would come because of a complaint. He mentally prepared himself as he drove. He heard a loud honk and barely managed to avoid a truck coming his way. Once he parked, he saw Annabeth's silver (enter car here) and Luke's (insert another car here) was no where to be seen. I breathed, trying to make my pulse normal and got out of the car. He had his swim trunks on with a old t-shirt. Did he underdress? Would Annabeth think he's weird? Shaking his head, he rung the doorbell. Rachel opened the door and a huge grin spread across her face.

"Come on! We're all in the back."

Percy didn't realize that Rachel had practically invited the whole school, and that her backyard was GIGANTIC. Aside from the pool, tennis/basketball courts, and patio, there was a wide spread amount of just grass and trees. Everyone was spread out or in the pool. He was probably too distracted to realize how big the houses in this neighborhood was. "Hey Rachel?" He started, but as he turned around, she was gone, and in her place was a pair or glittering grey eyes.

"Hey Perce!" Annabeth exclaimed. "I finally got to do something without Luke around!"

"Haha nice." Percy grimaced at his awkwardness. (Actually me. I'm so socially awkward actually ask anyone)

"HEY ANNABETH, PERCY! COME ON IN!" Someone from the pool yelled. Annabeth giggled and shrugged. She took off her cover up to reveal a grey two piece. Percy took off his shirt and they jumped in together, just as they did when they were younger. During this time, Percy realized how lucky he was to find Annabeth again. But as the thought set in, he also knew that he was slowly falling more in love with his best friend again.

Rachel soon joined them, but the everyone began getting sick of the water and they all agreed to go inside and play Bang. (Basically, its like a card game set in the western times and everyone's trying to figure out who the renegade/killer. Basically, a way more advanced version of mafia which includes weapons and other moves) But, after one round, everyone changed the game to truth or dare. Using a bottle, the dared (Is this a term) was to spin the bottle to dare the one it landed on. Well, they tried it with a bottle but someone spun it way too hard and it shattered when it hit the wall. Moving rooms, they used a pen instead.

The game was harmless at first, dares consisting of eating something nasty or truths about random stuff, but as people ran out of ideas, the topics soon turned to love and romance. People dared others to kiss, hug, or sit on people. Truths were getting kind of personal. Percy, so far, had to eat a banana peel, do a gymnastics routine, and tell everyone how he thought of One Direction. Annabeth had to jump into the, now, freezing water of the pool, scream, "I LOVE (insert your favorite youtuber/celeb) !", and tell who she thought was the most annoying person in the room. She chose Percy, of course, but in a joking way. A girl named Jasmine spun the bottle, and it landed on Percy. (I know, I know, I'm being cliché)

Percy chose dare, after being teased constantly for choosing truth that one time.

"I dare you to... sit next to the person you'd trust with your life." She said.

Percy shrugged and sat next to Annabeth. Well, in his perspective it was Annabeth, but everyone thought he sat next to Rachel, and Perachel was THE ship of the group. Everyone started whispering and smirking. Percy, of course, was completely oblivious. Annabeth knew about the ship and wasn't bothered by it at first, thinking that Percy was lucky to find someone to love, but as people whispered and gossiped, she became more and more aware of it. She shook her head in an attempt to clear her head and watched as the bottle landed on a girl named Clarissa. Percy smiled evilly, like the way he had when Annabeth brought up the ladder to their tree house, with Percy still on the ground. He walked off and brought Annabeth's favorite toy and a pair of scissors. I didn't take much more convincing to let down the ladder. Annabeth smiled at the memory and watched as the bottle spun, landing on different people. But she barely paid attention, having flashbacks to before the fire happened. For a long time, it was just her smiling, with a sad glint in her eyes.


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