Chapter 41

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Slightly graphic content. Death. Near rape.

Third person

Thalia was Annabeth's friend from the shelter she had been sent to. She was tough when Annabeth wasn't, so Annabeth looked up to her. Being two years older, Thalia entered her rebellious stage earlier than Annabeth, always egging her on to doing irresponsible actions. But, she still cared deeply for her younger friend. Annabeth held some sense, but wanting to keep up with Thalia's expectations, she had done everything Thalia had asked her to.

And so, they had snuck out one night. Thalia had wanted to experience the city. The night was clear, stars as bright as they could be in the city lights. Annabeth looked up at them dreamily. She had always loved the night sky, but since coming to the strict orphanage, she hadn't been able to see it as much. Unknowingly, she had lost Thalia.

She freaked out, running around aimlessly, screaming for Thalia. Annabeth stumbled into a dark alley, where only the stars and moon lit the path in front of her. She called Thalia's name again and felt a presence behind her.

She turned around relived, expecting Thalia behind her, glaring accusingly. But the person behind her was not Thalia. A tall man with a gleaming knife in his left hand. Annabeth screamed, but the man slapped his hand over her mouth. In an instant, he was behind her, rough hand on her mouth, knife at her throat.

He leaned in, his lips breath dancing over her ear. "You make a sound and I'll slit you."

He ripped through her shirt, discarding of the clothing. Annabeth wanted to scream, but fearing for her life, she stayed quiet. He was kissing over her body, licking every inch. But all Annabeth could do was stand there and take it.

A force pushed into her and she fell over. She looked up and Thalia was there, a random iron rod in her hand. She looked down right murderous and charged at the man.

Annabeth screamed.

Thalia was beating the man with all her might, but a twelve year old against a 40 year old man was too unmatched. Thalia would lose.

So Annabeth continued screaming for help, hoping someone would hear her and call the police.


The man had cut through Thalia's arm, the fresh blood staining the cobble ground beneath them. She cried out in pain, dropping the iron rod and cradling her arm.

"It's over, little girl."

He plunged the knife into her back. Annabeth cried out in horror. There were sirens in the distance but Annabeth couldn't hear them. Her eyes tunneled as she watched her role model crumple over, lying motionless on the ground, her blood weaving around the cobble stones like veins. The man ran, his footsteps echoing in the narrow alley.

Annabeth was helpless.

She was crying, tears streaming down her face. When the police asked her questions, she only cried out in her sobbing, the salty taste of her tears crowding her mouth. It took her an entire day until she was able to say a word.

The culprit was never caught.

Of course she pushed that incident to the back of her head, hoping to forget all that had happened. Thalia has been in a coma ever since and Annabeth had visited her everyday since until she got into college. Luke had become more protective of her. As if trying to make up for the slight physical abuse, he has been treating her gently, but Luke has his moments where anger gets the best of him. He still hasn't hit her in a while, which Annabeth took as a good sign. Every relationship has bumps. Annabeth had never been in a relationship before this one so she just figured the downgrading and such was all normal.

Hoped to see you again (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now