Chapter 20

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I feel like the shorter chapter thing allows me to update more often so I'm probably gonna stay with it. Sorry if you don't like

Annabeth's POV

I thought by pushing him away, it would benefit him. But I noticed the depressing aura around him. I noticed when his eyes were red and swollen. I thought if I stayed away more, he would forget about me and move on.

And by the looks of it, he did. He made new friends. He started smiling again, laughing again, and most important of all, stopped staring at me helplessly from a distance away.

I was still with Luke unfortunately. Even after he had gone to college, he stayed near in a local college. He still lost his temper like before.

He said he was getting better.

But he really was. It had been a year and the bruises and cuts weren't replaced with new ones, and I started feeling happy again.

But I wasn't sure if it was for me or for Percy.

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