Chapter 49

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Annabeth's POV

It took some time to calm down. Percy never loosened his grip, changed position, or attempted to move. It felt safe. It felt like home.

Slowly, I loosened my tight hold on him but not making a move to step away, and neither did Percy. I missed this. "Thank you," I whispered, voice hoarse from crying. I felt his head move in a nodding motion. "No problem."

We stayed like that for a while until Percy shifted, moving his head from its position on mine to look me in the eye. "Tell me what's going on. Please." The pleading shown bright in his dulled eyes. A glimmer of hope glinted in his iris.

I sighed, looking away to avoid his gaze. "Please don't get mad." And I told him everything. How my careless attempt at making a surprise dinner for my family had gone horribly wrong. How I was sent to a new orphanage. How I was adopted by a new family. How Luke had loved me and treated me well. And how that was changed.

I knew he still loved me and I still loved him. But I didn't know how much more of the verbal comments I could take. I knew they were true. If they weren't, why would Luke tell them to me? Thoughts rushed through my head, faster than I could process.

Percy hummed in response, pulling me in tighter.

"I'm here."

Hi guys sorry for the very prolonged hiatus. I've just been focusing on school clubs and other stuff that start over the summer and I haven't had the time to update. Sorry for the short chapter too. If all goes well, I'll update again tomorrow. Thanks for understanding.

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